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<br /> ---- " <br /> Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting, 2-10-92 <br /> Page 10 <br /> ~E #92-02 (Cont'd) Bergly explained the variances provide a better location . <br /> for the cul-de-sac and its aligrnnent to the third phase <br /> of the development; mostly relate to depth of the south boundary of the plat. <br /> Mahowald questioned if the Planning Commission included any action regarding the <br /> Park Directorls recarmnendations for park dedication. <br /> Bergly noted the Commission con=ed with the recarmnendation to dedicate the <br /> trail access to the city. <br /> Councilmernber Hicks questioned if the developer agrees to dedicate the trail <br /> access. <br /> Barry O'Meara stated he agrees to dedicate the trail access. <br /> Hicks noted the suggestion that the developer dedicate some easement area around <br /> the pond for public use; questioned if that proposal is part of the action <br /> required at this time. <br /> Plarmer Bergly advised the suggestion was made prior to determining the developer <br /> had satisfied the park dedications for this site; indicated the suggestion should <br /> be noted for future platting in this area. <br /> Malone moved, seconded by Growe, to approve Case #92-02, <br /> Final Plat of Hazelnut Park #2 Addition, subject to the seven tenns and <br /> conditions outlined in the Plarming Commission minutes of 2-5-92, and with the <br /> additional condition that a suitable turnaround for emergency vehicle access be . <br /> provided, as approved by the Fire Chief. Motion carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> Barry O'Meara requested the minutes reflect that the park dedication for the <br /> entire plat has been resolved. <br /> Deputy Clerk Iago noted the request and advised a copy of the minutes will be <br /> included in the case file. <br /> ~E #91-08; Plarmer Bergly advised all connnents have been received <br /> APPROVE PAW RPI'. from the public agencies desiring to connnent on the <br /> FOR CARDIAC Envirornnental Assessment Worksheet for the parking lot <br /> PACEMAKERS, INC. expansion at Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc. <br /> Bergly explained the city has responded to the letter from the DNR and all <br /> information will be foJ:W<ll"ded to all agencies and the Envirornnental Quality Board <br /> for their project file. He advised the fourteen conditions listed in the <br /> memorandum would be appropriate to include the Council action, to substantiate <br /> that the city reviewed the letters and deemed there is no need for an <br /> Envirorunental Iropact statement. <br /> Malone moved, seconded by Hicks, that Council has <br /> corrpleted the investigation of the Envirornnental Assessment Worksheet for Case <br /> #91-08, and deemed an Envirornnental Iropact statement is not warranted, based on <br /> the findings listed in the Planner's letter dated 1-23-92, and directed staff to <br /> forward the information outlined in the letter to all appropriate agencies. . <br /> Motion carried unanimously. (4-0) <br />