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<br /> Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting, 2-10-92 <br /> Page 11 <br /> SI'ATUS REPORT'; Council was referred to the Undeveloped Land Report <br /> . UNDEVEIDPED lAND prepared by Planner Bergly. <br /> Council acknowledged receipt of the annual report. <br /> ,RES. #92-12; Council was referred to the Feasibility Report dated <br /> KEITHSON POND January 1992 and the letter from Engineers Terry Maurer <br /> IMPROVEMENTS and Mark Graham dated 2-6-92, relative to the proposed <br /> Keithson Area Holding Pond Improvement/ <br /> Engineer Graham explained the Feasibility Report was prepared, as directed by <br /> Council, to retain the city's option to assess property owners contributing <br /> runoff to the holding pond. He reported on the bid opening for the :i1nprovement; <br /> six bids were received, with a low bid of $28,840 presented by Ryan Contracting, <br /> Inc. <br /> Graham advised the options available for consideration at this time are to either <br /> accept the bids and award the contract or seek additional information by <br /> scheduling the appropriate public hearings. <br /> Councilmember Malone reconnnended receipt of the feasibility report and scheduling <br /> the public hearings in order to retain all options available at this tirne. He <br /> commented that the easements must J:e acquired prior to construction of the pond. <br /> 'Ihe Engineer noted that the estiJnated total project cost is based on the low bid <br /> plus overhead costs, however, it does not include easement acquisition costs for <br /> . the Reiling property. <br /> Acting Mayor Mahowald requested the city Attorney update the status of the <br /> easement acquisition. <br /> Attorney Filla reported the condemnation hearing in this matter is scheduled on <br /> 2-14-92; the prelllninary appraisal of damages is $17,000.00. He explained the <br /> appraiser has included additional costs f= the property owner's loss of <br /> flexibility to locate the pond in another area if the site. <br /> Filla requested Council grant him auth=ization to indicate to the Commissioners <br /> that willingness of the City to stipulate a condition which allows the owner to <br /> reconfigure = relocate the pond if necessary for development of the site, <br /> provided the pond capacity remains the same. <br /> Council con=ed to direct the Attorney to offer the above contingency at the <br /> hearing. <br /> Acting Mayor Mahowald asked f= questions from the floor. <br /> Dick Foster, 4527 Keithson Drive, expressed concern that the proposed project <br /> does not appear to alieviate the flooding on his property. He noted the high <br /> water level elevation established for the 100 year event appears high. Foster <br /> displayed a drawing which outlined the pond area prior to development of the <br /> Keithson Addition; noted the reconfiguration of the pond, as a=nplished in <br /> . 1987. He explained that the elevation of the pond was initially 970.2 and that <br /> was changed to 969.5 when Lot 5 was split and combined to Lots 4 and 6 in the <br /> development. <br />