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<br /> ---.....- <br /> . - <br /> Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting, 2-10-92 <br /> Page 16 <br /> ZOOS (Contld) Council1nember Malone reminded Zeos representatives that . <br /> the company is operating without a retail sales license, <br /> pending resolution of the sign. He indicated this does not imply that the license <br /> will not be revoked at a later date if the sign does not remain in compliance. <br /> REl:]UFSI' ; HIRE Council was referred to a memoranchnn from the Clerk <br /> REXXlRDING Administrator dated 2-7-92 and the Deputy Clerk dated <br /> SECRErARY 2-6-92, requesting =nsideration to hire a recording <br /> secretary for Council meetings. <br /> 'The Administrator advised he has reviewed the request and recommends hire of the <br /> recording secretary to allow the Deputy Clerk sufficient time to complete <br /> additional duties assigned to her position. <br /> Counci1mernber Mahowald questioned if funds are available for this service. <br /> Counci1mernber Malone advised the costs would be funded in A=unt #207; <br /> Administration. <br /> Deputy Clerk Iago advised she intends to continue staffing the meetings and <br /> briefly note Council action. Iago explained she will review the draft copy of the <br /> minutes and make any ==ections n<?CE'ssouy prior to placement on the agenda. <br /> Malone moved, secorrled by Growe, to authorize the Clerk <br /> Administrator to hire Sharla Foster to serve as recording secretary for the City <br /> Council meetings, effective 2/24/92, at a rate of $120.00 per meeting. Motion . <br /> carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> UPDATE; S'IDWE AVE. Engineer Graham reported on the stowe Avenue Improvement <br /> INFORMATIONAL MIG. intornational meeting; assessments were discussed and <br /> residents were intonned they may present a petition to <br /> the City Council at a regular meeting. He indicated no petition has been received <br /> to date and no further action is necessary at this time. <br /> REPORI'; CDNDmON Council was referred to the memorandum from the Public <br /> OF ROUND U\KE ROAD Works Superintendent on the condition of West Round Lake <br /> Road. <br /> Winkel reported the road has been deteri=ating very quickly over the last few <br /> years and reconnnended this matter receive innnediate attention. He explained that <br /> patching efforts have been futile; the culverts are frozen and the water flows <br /> across the roadwaYl washing away the patching installed. <br /> Engineer Maurer explained the improvement project would only be assessable on one <br /> side of the roadway. He noted this road has been included in the state Aid <br /> System. Maurer advised there has been no discussions with business owners in the <br /> area regarding suhnitting a petition for repair of the road. <br /> Counci1mernber Malone questioned if state Aid funds would be available; noted the <br /> monies were spent on Snelling Avenue. <br /> Maurer stated that is co=ect; options would be to bo=ow ahead on the MSA funds . <br /> = bond for the project. He advised the roadway may be a candidate for recycling. <br />