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<br /> . . . , <br /> Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting, 2-10-92 <br /> Page 17 <br /> IMPRVMr . (Conti d) Councilmernber Mahowald argued that any repairs should <br /> . be short term in nature, since this road has been <br /> identified to be reconfigured in the Gateway Business District study. <br /> Council con=ed to direct staff to review ];X)Ssible options for repair of the <br /> road and hold discussions with blsiness owners regarding the possibility of <br /> petitioning for an improvement. <br /> SCHEDULE CDUNCIL Council discussed rescheduling the 2/18/92 worksession <br /> W)RKSESSION mG. meeting and items for the agenda. <br /> Malone moved, seconded by Growe, to schedule a Council <br /> Worksession meeting on Monday, March 9, 1992, at 6:00 p.m., to consider <br /> Deparbnent Head Goals/ Objectives and continued Item 7.0, Approval of Salary <br /> In=ease - City A=untant. Motion =ied unanimously. (4-0) <br /> Malone moved, seconded by Growe, to cancel the <br /> Worksession scheduled on February 18, 1992, at 4:30 p.m. Motion =ied <br /> unanimously. (4-0) <br /> CDUNCIL CDMMENTS <br /> NEWSLEITER REPORT' The Clerk Administrator reported on meetings with Grant <br /> Pound regarding the design and content of the City <br /> Newsletter. Berger suggested Council review the materials provided this evening <br /> and make a recormnendation to staff on their preference for the design. <br /> . After discussion, it was determined that Councilmernber Growe would work with <br /> staff on the design and content of the newsletter. <br /> VOllJNTEERS OF Councilmernber Hicks questioned if co=espondence was <br /> AMERICA received from the Volunteers of America organization <br /> outlining their activities in the =nnunity. <br /> Berger explained he has receiVed infonnation from this organization and will <br /> forward same to Council in the next newsletter. <br /> REl;lUESI' OONATION; Councilmernber Hicks advised the Parks committee has <br /> PARKS CXM1I'ITEE requested authorization to "lobby" for funds donation <br /> from charitable gambling operations. <br /> Council con=ed that the Parks Committee may contact the appropriate <br /> representatives from organizations operating within the city to request funds. <br /> NORTH SNELLING eouncilmernber Malone questioned if staff has recently <br /> AVENUE inspected North Snelling Avenue; appears to be "sagging". <br /> north of the McClung property. <br /> Public Works SUperintendent Winkel advised he will inspect the street. <br /> UI'ILITY Councilmernber Malone questioned if the utility Rate <br /> RATE STUDY study will be corrpleted soon; preferred the study be <br /> suhnitted for Council review on March 9 <br /> . <br /> ----- <br />