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<br /> ~ <br /> Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meetin3', 1-13-92 ..' ~ '. <br /> Page 5 <br /> KEl'IRSON (Cent'd) 'Ihere was discussion relative to the developer/City <br /> . financial responsibility for completin3' this project. <br /> Attorney Filla suggeste:J. that prior to the City awarding a contract for the <br /> project, Council may authorize additional contact with the developer to advise <br /> him of specifics of the proposal for completin3' the work, which the city judges <br /> to be his responsibility, and give the developer a chance to complete the work as <br /> outlined in the project or reimburse the city for the costs. Attorney Filla notoo <br /> the City has the option to =nmence litigation against the developer for <br /> violatin3' responsibilities pursuant to the development contract. <br /> Hicks questioned if the project includes obtaining the easements on the Reilin3' <br /> property . <br /> Attorney Filla reviewoo the development agreement which indicates that if the <br /> city has to acquire downstream facilities for the outlet, the developer should <br /> participate in that cost; note:J. the City may have includoo this section relatin3' <br /> to the easement acquisition with the thought that the developer may pay for the <br /> easement and the City would use its authority to acquire the right-of-way, if the <br /> developer could not negotiate with the property owner. <br /> Malone IOCJVOO, secondoo by Hicks, to adopt Resolution No. <br /> 92-05, ORDERING A FEASIBILITY REPORI' IN 'IHE MATTER OF THE KEITIiSON AREA POND AND <br /> S'roRM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS. Motion carrioo unanimously. (5-0) <br /> council1nember Malone noted the property to the south of the pond, which has a <br /> . sul::6tantial easement area in the rear portion of the lot; suggestoo a <br /> determination should be made relative to what should be done with the easement <br /> and financial responsibility of the property owner. <br /> Malone movoo, secondoo by Hicks, to authorize the <br /> advertisement for bids for the Keithson Area Pond and stonn Sewer Improvements, <br /> and sche.:iule the bid openin3' on 'Ihursday, February 6, 1992, at a time to be <br /> designate:J. by Engineer Graham. Motion carrioo unanimously. (5-0) <br /> Malone IOCJVOO, secondoo by Grewe, to direct the city <br /> Engineer to stake the Keithson area project site, prior to January 21, 1992. <br /> Motion carrioo unanimously. (5-0) <br /> REQUFSI'; CXJNTINUE Mahowald movoo, secondoo by Grewe, to table action on the <br /> PREMISE PERMIT Premise Permit for st. Mary's Romanian Orthcxiox Church, <br /> APPLICATION, sr. as requeste:J. by the applicant, to the January 27 Regular <br /> MARY'S CHURCH Cotmcil rneetin3'. Motion carrioo unanimously. (5-0) <br /> Council1nember Malone statoo it is his understandin3' there may be some discrepancy <br /> in the information receivoo from st. Mary's Church, relative to the donations <br /> within the trade area. <br /> Clerk Administrator Berger explained there is some confusion as to whether or not <br /> the City is receivin3' 50 percent of the donations within the "trade area" or 50 <br /> percent of the net profit. He advised he has been in contact with representatives <br /> . from st. Mary's in an attempt to clarify the information providoo; further <br /> information will be providoo at the January 27 rneetin3'. <br />