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<br /> .. <br /> - . <br /> . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING <br /> CO'ONClL OF THE VILlAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> Ootober 9. 1961 <br /> Mayor Robert Aehbaoh celled the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. <br /> ROLL CALL: Present ~ Mayor Ashbaoh, L?1'1'aine Stromquist. Henry-Crepeau. <br /> Stan OlmeDo Mr. Kenned:y <br /> Absent .. None <br /> Also present ~ Clay Kelley, Building Inspeotor <br /> Don Lund, Banister Engineering Co. <br /> Motion made by M:'. Kenned7. seoonded by Mrs. Stromquist that the minutes <br /> of the meeting of Septambel' 25. 1961 be approved. <br /> 1962 BUDG~ .. The following proposed budget for 1962 was presented: <br /> Administration and General by Mrs. Stromquiet for ~ $15.961.00 <br /> Publ10 safet:v by M1'. Crepeau 21.104.00 <br /> Publio Works by Mr. Olmen - 8.935.00 <br /> Publ10 We1f'al'lll bi Mr. Kennedy - 5.000.00 <br /> TOTAL $51,000.00 <br /> . ORTON PROPERTY - Discussion OD platting of above property by M%'. orton, <br /> M1'. John Kelley ~ pl'ospeotive burel', 'Mr. Marohand - owner of property <br /> extending into Ol'ton property. Mr. Clay Kelley - Building Inspector. <br /> and Ml'. Ke~ned7. <br /> Mr. Marohand Ill1g~ested platting thG property lnto two lota rather than <br /> the. four lots IHl proposed bJ Mr. 01'tOD and Mr. John Kelley. Referred <br /> to Mr. Kennedy and 141'. Olay Kelley. <br /> MRS. PAQUII~. 1203 EdgewatSl" St.. near the Odd Fellcws Oottage. complained <br /> 'Gnau una condition of Lske !aDe wae such that feur l'Elsidents with garage <br /> entranoes from !ake Lane we1!e unable to %'I3SCh their propElrty by ear. <br /> Referred to Stan Olmen and Karl Burandt. <br /> MR. OLMENtS R&;PORr - Mr. Olmen reported that ~jt blaaktopping on the <br /> Road J..aprOVSlDsnt .l'l'ogl'8m was very thin in areas. Jay W. Craig, the head <br /> Contractor has been notified of tb1s condition and these areas will be <br /> taken care of'. <br /> 6. ~~J:WY'S BEFORT - Ramse:v Oounty M1r.iOiH1 Assooiation - l\'I1'. Kennedy <br /> zoeported tl1a1i 1;Wenty representatives fl'om n ne villages war.e preseDt at <br /> the R.C.M.A. meeting. Mayor Ashbach moved. seoonded by Mrs. stromqUist <br /> that the resolution a~ attaohed be accepted. Carried. <br /> Civil Defenss Ordinanoe - Mr. Kennedy Buggested that the proposed ord~ <br /> . Inanoe on c. D. prevlously introduced by title, be tabled until the next <br /> Counoil meeting as he had no recommendation from r,![r. M. A. Fish at this <br /> time. <br /> , <br /> I ! <br /> l__ <br />