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<br /> r--- . <br /> ; <br /> .. - <br /> IlliGULAR COUNCIL M?ET ma MINUl'ES. Oc t. 9. 1961 ~ Page 2 <br /> MR. CREFEAU'S REPORT D Highway~ 10 arid 61 T~aftic Regulation ~ The state <br /> . Highway Department elaima It haa lnsu.f'f1clent time for action on the <br /> proposed large light at the a):love intersection before releasing this <br /> property to the County. <br /> Motion made by Mr. Crepeau. seconded by Mr. Olmen that !lira. stromquiat <br /> write letters to the StQte H1Shway Dspartment and the County Roads <br /> Department requesting that the, confer jointly tor immediate action. <br /> Carried. <br /> I <br /> , <br /> LINDEY'S STEAK HOUSE~ Mxr.Lindemel', owne1' of above. presented a ohange <br /> of plans for an addition on above. Council approved. <br /> MRS. STROMQU!S'J1IS REfORT ~ Commeroial Sewer Rental Charges - Mrs. strom= <br /> quiet reported tna~ several residences in the Village were being charged <br /> commercial rental rates by St. Paul aDd oonsequently Rosevll1e. because <br /> of the use or the residence. Re1's%'l'ed to l\'JQyor Ashbach. <br /> sanitarr Sewer 'ImtovementJ~4 .. Mrs. Stromquist presented a letter dated <br /> Of,ltobel' 3. If:l51.,om St. 'Ul F11'8 and .YJ.el'lne Insurance Co. giving con~ <br /> 'sent to pa~eDt ot all fUnds with the Gxception of $2.000.00 to Barbaroa~a <br /> and Sons, Inc. f~ wo:LIk 00 above. No aotioD untll letter of authority to <br /> received from Banister Engineering Co. <br /> Zilliox Easement. Mrs. Stromquist read a letter dated Sept. 27, 1901 from <br /> Mr. lJOU1'tne:v. Village Attol'IUlI7, with 8nolOSlU'es of' the original and two <br /> . copies ot the easement for abcve. Mr. Kennedy moved, seconded by Mr. <br /> Olmen. tl:1a t Mayor Ashbach and Mrs. St1"OmQ.uist sigll same. Carried. <br /> ort'sale Liquor L1cense - L1odeY'8 Steak .douse ~ Mr. Kennedy moved. <br /> eeconC1ed tly''Mr. ulrlilln tlUllI appl'oval De g1Vet:l to above,subject to the <br /> inspection by the Polios aDd Fire Departments. Carried. <br /> Northern States Power Co. -. Lift Stations - Mrs. Stl'anqu1st read a letter <br /> rrom'~.s.e. co., Clawed sept. 2Y.~V6~. stating that there would be a <br /> reduction of rates on the 11ft stations 1n the village~ <br /> Speed Limits on Village Roads ~ Ml's. stromquist read a lettel' dated <br /> Sept. 27, 1961. from Mr. courtney which included a resolution to the State <br /> Highway Dept. Mr. Crepeau moved, Mr. Kennedy seconded that said re~olutlon <br /> with the Incl~sioll of speoUla village streets, be i'ol"IllTlU;rded to the State <br /> Highway Dept. for their recommendation of speed limits on specified <br /> s tzoee ts . Carried. <br /> Pistol RanfS - Twin Cit~ Ordinanoe ~ Mrs. Stromquist read a letter from! <br /> Roger Shor dated Oot_ . ~VQ1. Village ~ngineer. rec~~ndlng approval <br /> with qualifications on above. Referred to Mr.Courtney for a rssolution <br /> to be presented at the next Council meetlng~ <br /> MR. KELLE!l - BUILDD1G INSPECTOR - Vessey propert{ @ Mr. Kelley presented <br /> plans for the division at' the Vessey p%'opel'ty in 0 two lots. The Council <br /> requested mOre detailed. plans befol's oonsideratlon. <br /> . DON WND .. BANISTER ENGlNEERIID CO D Mr'.lund gave a progress report on <br /> road tmp%'ovements. <br /> Meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.w. <br /> ~...$. G#~ ,- i..-. -'~.~..~ <br /> Robert O. Ashbach. Mayor <br />