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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />,MINUTES OF REGUIAR !IlEETING <br />COUNCIL OF VIL1.AGE OF ARDEN HILIS <br />Monday p August 14. 1961 <br /> <br />TM meeting was oalled O1'der by Mayor Ashbach at 8g00 poIn. <br /> <br />ROIL CALLI P1"Elsent .. Maro:t' Ash baoh, C:l'epeau, Olmen <br />Absent .. Mrs. St1"omqU1sll, Kenned7 <br />Also Attending - Don Lund from Banister Enginee~ing <br /> <br />Maror Ashbaoh stated that MRS. R. L. ACKERBERG, 1249 Tiller Lane requests <br />some sU1'facing on the street 1n front of her home as it 1s nOl; in the <br />present road improvel/l8ot p.!'ogl'8m. ,This matte1" was referred to Mr. Don <br />Lund of Banister Engineering. <br /> <br />Ml'. Oluten reported that he and Mr. Karl Bul'andt of Banister Engineering <br />Co. had met with MR. ViSSEr at h1a,pl'Op8rty on the C01'ner of Sandeen Road <br />and Lake Johanna Blvd. lI'll'. Vessey had complained previously that this <br />001'1383.' was badly tom dOWb.. It was agreed that they wouJ.d make a personal <br />appointment with the superintendent of the road const1"Uction crew and ask <br />b1m to keep the Ol'emJ away from tbis 001'1381".. " <br /> <br />Mr. Vessey asked Mr. Oluten at this time 1f it would be possible for him to <br />buy a portion of the village owned draioage easement next to bis pl'opel'ty. <br />T~s easement is pie shaped - 50 ft. wide tapering to 15 feet wide at the <br />lake. With the road improvement the oulvel't at this point will be taken <br />out and the Elasement 11111 no longeX' be' needed for dt'8inage purposes. Mr. <br />Vessey wauld like to build a gaX'age on a portion of this land and teal' <br />down bis othe3.' gs:rage w111ch is lower than the street and always gives <br />trou bll'). <br /> <br />The Counoil looks on thIs matter favorably but will withhold any action <br />UlltUI, (1) The road improvement 18 finished and (2) the Village a ttOl'l3aY <br />can Cheok on lake rIghts of Sandeen Road residents OVElr this easement" <br /> <br />Mayor Ashbach asked about the disposal of the d1:rt in Road Imp.!l3 <br />Tiller Lane 1"esidents bad at one time asked for a plaYg!'ound area" The <br />d11't oould be used to level one oN but now the 1"esidents do not want the <br />playground saying it causes too muoh noise, attracts too IilS.ny cars, eto. <br />May01' Ashbaoh 1'W'ther stated tbat he had talked wIth BOB EMERY, 1138 <br />TilleX' Lane who in turn had contaoted DOE BA~HO, 1200 Ingerson Road and <br />they no longer want this d11"t" <br /> <br />Ml'. Olmen stated that a resident had called h1m cOlllplaining about the <br />proposed drainage of a pond 11'.1 Road Imp. #3 through a storm sewer. Tha <br />resident claimed tl:1is pond WBS sp~1ng fed and the village" had no right to <br />dra1n it. Mayor Ashbach saId the village cnsted t111s pond when they put <br />11'.1 the original road. Matter to be referred to village attorney. Mayor' <br />Ashbach suggested to Mr" Lund that the surplus dirt could be dumped at <br />tl:118 spot, leveled off and improve this location. <br /> <br />Mayor Ashbach asked for oouncil suggestions as to disposition of dirt from <br />Glen Arden Road. It 8S suggested tha t some be used at playground area <br />remaining on County Road E - also County Rd. F and High.way #10 needs m01'S <br />dirt. Also Lake Johanna Improvemsnt Asatn. needs dirt for their islando <br /> <br />Upon motion bi crepeau seoonded by Kennedy the minutes of the June 19, <br />June 20, and June 22, 1961 and July- 10. 1961 meetings of' the -Oouncil were <br />approved b:r the Counoil. <br />