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<br />, .' <br /> <br />MINuTES OF FlEGUUR MEE'fING-CO'llNCIL OF VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILlS~ug.. 14. 1961 <br /> <br />PAGE :5 <br /> <br />... Copy of letter read~ dated August 1. 1961. signed by Vinoent Co~tney ~nd <br />witten to Arsenal ~and and G:t'avel re: disturbanoe of their all day and <br />night operationso :Mro COUl-tney stated that he had talked with ~.. Faraci <br />of the Corps of Engineel's and he stated this operation was only Q tempo%'8l'7 <br />one due to road building in the c1ty of St. Paulo Matter tabled at this <br />t1meo <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Lt!tter dated August 3.. 1961 wsa recei-ved bam Ralph Reeder of' Independent <br />Sohool District #621 l'equeatlng the name of a persOD for conside1'8tion of <br />the Board of Education for a representative on the Advisory Committee of <br />Mounds View Sohool DistrIct Rec:t'eation programo The names of Kenny <br />LaKoske and Frank'Stanton were suggested. Matter referred to Kennedy. <br /> <br />JAtter of August 4.. 1961 was read from 1.11'0 Arthur Jl.o 'lhom reg h1s propel'ty <br />at 2047 Them Drive. He states he now bas a bU1er for this. property and ' <br />lIsts the improvements the new owner will make if Arden ,Hills will grant <br />him a bullding pel'J/l1t. lIIatter refe%'red to Clay Kelley. Village building <br />inspector who is to inspect the building on tl11s property to see whether <br />or not it is stl'uotUl'illly sound enough to war1'8nt the improvements. Council <br />will act on his deoision. <br /> <br />Letter ot August 9, 1961 ham Rogel' S1101'1I of Banister Enginesring Co. reg <br />the mone,. the Village of Al'den H1118 still owes Iamett1 &: sons. sewer <br />contractors; lbo C~epeau moved, lQoo OJmen seoonded motion to :t'elease <br />down to 6% of mone,. owed'Lam8tU as reocmmended bJ Mr. Short.. Carried. <br /> <br />Letter of' August llt 1961 t1'om 1Ill'. Roger Short 1'e; l1II1nnesota Highway <br />Department plans ana spec11'1oations - Motion was made b;y crepeau. seconded <br />by OImen to approve the paving and shouldering 01.' Highwe.,. 10-69 between <br />Snel1iDg Ave. and the junotion with trunk Highway /196 QI!I pel' attaohed <br />resolution. Motion oarried. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Crepeau. seconded by Olmen, to approve the paving, and <br />shouldering of Highwa,. 694-393 betweea East Corporation ];1mits of Vlllage <br />and 61 feet east of temporary t~~y #10 as per attaohed reso,lut10n <br />aod attached letter from Village ~1rto the Highway Department.Carried. <br /> <br />Letter ot AUgl1st Ul.. 1961. dgned by D1'. Ed. Walsh, Village Health <br />Inspector' rei the oomplaint 117 Mr. Fred Weterrl1nd. 3240 Sandeen Road, of <br />his neighbor's oesspool overflow and nuisaooe. Olmen moved, crepeau <br />seconded a motion that the Village Plumbing Inspectol' be asked to inspeot <br />these properties and report baok to council. Counoil will take aotion <br />after rEloeiviag this report. <br /> <br />Mro ~ CRANDALL, 181'1 Gl'ansie Road.. presented seotionmaps of the Village <br />showing the 100at10n of' mosquito breeding arEl&lo He pointed out that it is <br />not neoessarily the ponds that are breeding areas but rather the areas that <br />f111 111 after a l'a~n. Water stanl!s fA few days then dries up and mosquitoes <br />breed in these spots. With these areas spotted the vlllage can use surplUS! <br />d1rt f100lD construction work to fill ino <br /> <br />JAtter from Roger Short. dated August 10.. 1961 re: a request trom Northern <br />States Power Co. for permission to install a ges main on Venus Ave.. fi'om a <br />p9inteast of Roll1ns Bills Road to extend wester,ly 280 .ft. to serve 3905 <br />Rolling Hills RoadJ Mr. almeD moved.. Mr. Crepeau seoonded a motion to <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. .. ~ <br />