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<br />'. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />MINUTES OF REGUlAR MEETING-COUNCIL OF VILLAGE OF ARDEN HIJ.J:.S-July 3101961 <br /> <br />VI1:.IAGE ATTORl'i1E'f REPOR'l'~ l/ir. COUl'tnsy presented the fil'a p!'otGCltion <br />cootract for council approval. Mrs. Stromquist mO'lJ'sdo M!'. Kennedy seconded <br />that council approve 1'lrs proteot1on oontract. Motion cluTisa. <br /> <br />Mr. 00111'tn8Y :repox>ted that 1t.l the last leglslatUl'G a new law provides that <br />a village can purohase property on Q contraot for deed for a maximum of <br />five years. This matter was referred to Mro.Kennedy who will check with <br />the Fire Department to see it thei would be interested in the village <br />purchase of the old 1'11'& barb 013 a oontract fo1" deed basis instead of the <br />original plan. <br /> <br />~o Coul'tneyannounoed that on AUgrlst 22" 1961" at 2300 P..M.p thel's will <br />be a meeting of the highway oammissionel's on the oondemnation of playground <br />property at HamlinG Bnd County Rd. "Slt. Be suggested that he would need <br />the cost of the propert,- lost plus the expense the village has put into it <br />to detel'm.'Lne w!:IQt approaoh to use in meeting with the commissiooe.Nl. Mrs" <br />Stromquist 11'1 to fwmlsh M1'. COU1'tDEl1 with th1a information before the <br />22nd oi' August.. <br /> <br />He: Mytbland Club - Ml'. CClU1'tney Deeds oopias of lnspaotol's reports of <br />property to find evic1SocEl to use to write to the owners advising them. of <br />their nuisanoe 'Value" Once of1'10ial noUoe is given to the ownGrs. and <br />they do not then 00%'1'8011 11;. the village will hava to abate the propex>ty. <br /> <br />lIm. KEJ:.Ctl. WIISOW. 80 Arden H1l1s resident did Dot kDOW that he had to pay <br />the 2ssesaments 01llad on bis property bafo~e settling with the Highway <br />. Department on the ad" to them of his pl'ope1't)' adjo1ning the highway. Ml'so <br />St1'omquist told h1rn 110 oome to the publio heal'ing OD Thi.1.l'sday evaning" <br />August 3rd, at ihe Village Hall. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />MR. KEJ.II.t,l!a)Y reed a letter ftoom Mr. Sparks" president of the Little lake <br />Little League ~eque3ting a meeting with the councilor representatives <br />01' the council to discuss aoquiring pl'opal't,- for the use of the Little <br />Lake Little League to l'eplaoe that pl"opel"t,- which is to be takefl by the <br />Highway Department. Refe%'l'ed tlo Village atto.\:'Dt.W. <br /> <br />MHo OLMEN l'eportad on the Bl'oea J8I1IIlB Easemant.. On July 27, 1961. a <br />1eth1' f'1'0ln Robert J. Tweed1 of RObb1r:lsl_Davia. and LYOlllll states the ease- <br />ment bas now bean ohanged to allow for w6 ft.. over the Dorth 10 taet <br />of the JlUIm1l1 propertyo . ' <br /> <br />MRS. STROMQ.UIS'ltS RtPOR!l!. A letter was recElived :tl'om r1a,-or Ashbaoh dated <br />July 27" 1961, in which he enclosed a l'esolution and set of plaoa ~om <br />the Hlghlmy Dep&!'tmant to'/! oOl.1nollappl'ovsl.. The epec11'iae.tlons fO'.!.' that <br />part of Hlgl'may tllO ana Lakeshol'e Plaoe show that the service road will <br />be obliterated. Referred to Rog!)!' ShoJ't" EOgWEler. <br /> <br />MaYc~ Ashbach also reported that the dump areas fol' possible play~.ound <br />sitt;ls for Arden Hills ~12 lUId 'llller lane are being worked on and that hG <br />bas also talked with Mro Bul'andt of Banister Enginesring relative to <br />gl'ade changes on Sandesn Road at Mr. Kennedy's request. <br /> <br />Letter '\mS l'eo~1ved f1'om Jean M.. Clal"kp dated July 24D 19610 3484 Glsllal'den <br />Road 1'8 I replaoement of Bod to theil" boulevard tha"' Wl1S disturbed due to <br />the sewell pl'ojeot Q M1'th StrOJl'lquiet has \'11'i tten Mr. Clark tba t this !'!.W. ttSl' <br />has been brought to the a ttent10n of the sewel' ooot1'acto1' and trusts he <br />w111 take care of the llI&ttel'o <br /> <br />!'age 3 <br />