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<br />.' <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />M:rnt'l'ES OF REGUIAR M.EETING.COUi~CIL OF V~GE OF ARDEN HILIS. July 10. 1961 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />ClAY KELLEY. Building Inspector. pl'ssented the drainage plan for Nazareth <br />Hall.. Crepeau moved. KellDsdjr' seconded motion that drainage plan fO'i! <br />Nazsxoath Hall be approved upon l'eoommandatioD of Village Engmaal'D Rogsr <br />8ho1't. Q8 stated in his letter of JUly 6. 1961.. <br /> <br />Mayor Ashbach suggested olsl'k write e. letter 14'0 Bethel College with a ward <br />of welcome to encourage them to ohoose en Arden F.1lls site fOX' tlte11' futwoe <br />bu.1ldlng prog1'aDi" <br /> <br />KARL BUIlAND'l! and ROGER SHORT have looked oval' streets in Arden Hills whioh <br />are not in any :road im)?l:'ave~!entp"ogram for the pU1'posa 'Of l:'eooIll!l1ending <br />neoessary maintenaDoeo Referred to Olmen. road oomn1eslonsl'" Ml'o Short <br />asked Cauncil whGra d11't shauld be dumped that would oome from gt'ading in <br />raad improvement oI!50 It will oost $1.000,,00 more to haul dirt from Impo#5 <br />to Caunty Road "F" and Highwai #10 than 11' a spat is faurd wi thin III mUes <br />f'1tQil al'ee. e <br /> <br />MR. BURANDT requested instructions as to how to prooeed on obtaining easso <br />ments at Coo Rd~ "F" and Highway #10.. Oounoil suggested Road contraotor <br />do B1'l'anging fal' any easement needed. He also stated that adding a st01'.m <br />sewel' on Velentlne Ave. in Road Imp" #4 would be an additional $5~OOOeOOo <br />Counoil agl'eed this was not neoessal7. <br /> <br />Kennedy moved, crepeau seoonded motion to approve State HighBay Plans <br />identified as S.P.. 6285-45 (ToH.694=:593) subjeot ta qualifying lettsI' whioh <br />would be sent to Highway Department providing for theil' c02'I'sctian of future <br />. prablems arising hom this oonstruotion.. <br /> <br />MR.. KmlNEDY stated that he again had had a call1's: buying a house to be <br />moved into the Arden Hills area fl'Oll1 outside the villagee He felt. if <br />agreeable with tha oouncil that he would fallow thasama policy as in the past, <br />of granting permiSsion if house fits in with rest 'Of the neighborhood" <br /> <br />MAYOR ASHBACH suggested the engineer write to the Gas Coo with a copy to <br />Vinoent Caurtney, Village Attol'!1ey, requesting that they cannot tear up OU1' <br />stl'sets to install gas lines. <br /> <br />CIERK'S REPORT - A call was received fl'ODl Mrs. Iukowsld. 313'7 Shol"elins <br />lane on JUly 6. 1961. saying there are no other persons living at tha t <br />a.ddressas of this date.. <br /> <br />Application for telephone installation in fi1'e barD has council approval for <br />filling out nOllf. providing for installa tion of phone in f'utU1'e when needed <br />for the polloe department. . . <br /> <br />A letter was received from MI'. Coul'tnsy, dated June <br />Mr. Lambert has now withdrawn his applioation fOX' a <br /> <br />Lettal' fitCllll Mrso Mal'ieRose. 1927 W. County Rd.. "D" <br />road canditions.. Refsl'red to ;;ar" Olmen. <br />, <br />, <br />Letter fl'OlIi Mr. Popovioh dated JuIe 21. 1961 1'el sewer <br />. acquisition 0 Clsl'k to not1f7 all OWDel'S of parcels. <br />Meeting adjourned at 11100 Pollio <br /> <br />29. 1961. saying that <br />seaplane base.. <br /> <br />dated July 7.1961. reI <br /> <br />related to <br />assessments~hignway <br /> <br />~.:Q.,(_l,vL <br /> <br />);1.0fJeY~ uo /t8.L!.U'3'~j~1..::'-;Y'-";':r.~ <br /> <br />f. <br /> <br />Wl-;ll",S\irH;; E<;> S.G~O:mqU.!3 -:;f Cle~!~ <br />