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<br />" <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />MINiJTES OF REGUIAR r.m:m':r:NG, CmmCIL OF VILIAGE OF ARDEN HILLS,July 10v 1961 <br />PagEl 5 <br /> <br />.o1.trien moved, crepeau seoonded motion that Valentine Ave. and Valentine Court <br />be paved straight *hPough and proper sigDs be used to diso~~'Qga th~ough <br />traffic 0 Motion carried unan1mous11.. <br /> <br />MR. AIAN VESSb'Yp 3280 Lake JobBnna Blvd. wants to know w11a t action is going <br />to be taken to correct the problem in front of his garage 0 The ~oad is <br />higher than his driveway and he not been able to get in his garage for <br />the past three weeks..' The contraotor was to take care of filling the d:!'ive <br />but Mro VessEJ7 finally did this h1mself. Now all the dl1't has baen !'emoved <br />again. <br /> <br />Ml'.. Karl Burandt stated that the,. had to ohange the drainage and stx'eat <br />pattern at Mr. Vessey's propel'ty because his garage is one foot higher than <br />nOl'mal.. The road will be (inverted ol'own) with aU watsr !'Unning down the <br />middle.. <br /> <br />Mr.. Vessey also wants to know if the Village of Arden Hills owns the eas/it- <br />ment in bont of' his house and if so wh:v donlt the,. keep it up. His last <br />question is about the sewe~o <br /> <br />MR. SHOR'.!.'. engineer stated that aU easements for sews1' work are completed. <br />The 11ft station has to be put in and be fUnctioning 001'01'8 b~anoh linea <br />go in. This will probably be 30 c.'lays. <br /> <br />MR. LEBLIE JOHESON of the Leslie JohJ:Ison Heating Company pl'esented plans 0 <br /> <br />. STOWE AVE. Ml\.TTER - May01' Ashbaoh reported that he had appeared before the <br />County Board regarding this matte:!'. Mr. Shol't has advised Mayor Aahbach <br />to take steps to condemn all of' the Perry addition to make fUll width of <br />this road.. Mayor Aahbach also stated that the engineers have money in next <br />year's wdget to put thltu' Oounty Roed BEfa" between New Brighton Rd. and <br />Highwa7 #10. This will ease traffic th3.'wgh Shorewood and Valentine Hills. <br /> <br />Mr. Short gave fi@res aDd explained plans for bringing the sewer in Sewer <br />1'rojeot #1. Imp. 113 al'ound Nelson's property instead of across it. The <br />oonstruction cost wculd be $3.000.00 more to go around Nelson 'a property- <br />rather than across it. However the cost of easements to go aoross would <br />be $10,000.00. Crepeau moved. Olman seconded motion tha t change order 64 <br />on Sanitar;y Sewer Imp. #3. l'1'j. #1. be allowed.. Motion caniedo <br /> <br />PetsI' IaMett1. sewer oont1'8eto1', appeal'ed before' the c01ll1ell asking fo!' <br />payment on part of his sewer work.. <br /> <br />Ml'. SHORT reoommended that since sewer completion has been held up, n ot <br />due to Mr. LaMetti'll crew~ his bond is still good~ that the Counoil should <br />release sane p8l'eentage of their withholding to him. <br /> <br />Crepeau moved/_Kennedy seoonded motion that oouncil now withhold 5% lnste~d <br />of' the usual J.b% OD sanitary Snsl'. Imp. #2. proj. #1 and Sanitary SeWEll' <br />Imp. #3~ 11'oj. #1 . <br /> <br />. Mr. Kennedy asked Mr. IaMetti res his problem of drainage in f1'ont of' his <br />home. Mr. IeMetti stated that fil'st of all the ditoh must be straightened <br />out 1:11, County Engineer before problem can be correoted. Referred to MayO%' <br />Ashbaahwho '11111 obntact county Engineer to get actioDB <br />