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<br />. ... <br />. Arden Hills Council 3 June 29, 1992 <br /> The following public comments/questions were received: <br /> Deb Thornton, 3510 Siems Court: My neighbors and I will <br /> fi le a case in District Court if we are assessed on the <br /> basis that we are receiving no benefit and no increased <br /> market value, This problem is between the City and the two <br /> homeowners who are experiencing water problems. An <br /> appraiser would agree that neighbors receive no benefit and <br /> therefore cannot be assessed. <br /> Mayor Sather reminded the public that this evening's meeting <br /> is to receive input with regard to the project itself , that <br /> assessment concerns will be addressed at a later assessment <br /> hearing, if such a hearing is necessary. <br /> Arnold Lindberg, 3520 Siems Court: I concur with Ms. <br /> Thornton. The option of routing to Lake Johanna Beach club <br /> has merit. The option of a direct route to Lake Johanna <br /> involves easement and ecological concerns. Whil e there is a <br /> definite need to address the drainage issue, my contention <br /> is that it is the City's problem and should be a paid for by <br /> the City. I will fight an assessment, <br />. Esther Dant, 3511 Ridgewood Road: I concur with Ms, <br /> Thornton. When our neighborhood was developed I was of the <br /> understanding that the existing pipe simply needed cleaning, <br /> The City is responsible to pay the cost of addressing the <br /> issue. <br /> Brad Lis, 1548 Arden place: Will my property value be <br /> raised? There is no existing easement through my property <br /> if the direct route to Lake Johanna is used. Has Rice <br /> Creek watershed District approved the direct route option? <br /> I would like to see their study. Because of fertilizer run- <br /> off, etc, the channel to Lake Johanna will turn into a swamp <br /> if the direct route option is used. <br /> Engineer Graham reported that in discussions with Rice Creek <br /> Watershed District they indicated acceptance of the direct <br /> route option; they do have studies available to the public <br /> as to the effect of fertilizers on water supplies. <br /> Dale Noyed, 3505 Ridgewood Road: Why has the cost of the <br /> original option increased? The existing pipe does drain <br /> somewhat. Why not just cl ean it out? Since the existing <br /> pipe has been in place for years wouldn't the City pick up <br /> the costs now? <br />. Mayor sather stated that, generally speaking, the City's <br /> assessment policy includes a cost sharing procedure whereby <br /> the City typically pays a sizable portion of costs. <br /> However, the Council has not deliberated as to how the costs <br />