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<br /> . . <br /> Plannillg n.....; "sion Meeting 7 7-01-92 <br /> DISCUSSION: 0l'HER PU.NNIN:; ISSUES <br /> . NORlliWESTERN UlILEGE: Connnission discussed the June 2, 1992, letter <br /> received from F. Gene KOrdick, Administrative Vice President, <br /> Northwestern COlle;Je, re;Jarding waterfront activities. It was <br /> determined f= Acting Clerk Administrator Iago to respond to Gene <br /> Kordick I s letter and state they are in violation of the zoning code and <br /> request a meeting be scheduled with Dr. Donald Ericksen, Planner Bergly, <br /> and Acting Clerk Administrator Iaga. <br /> CITY HALL STUDY: Chair Proffit informed the Connnission of the status of <br /> the City Hall and Public Works facilities construction. <br /> DENNIS FOSI'ER. WHAT-A-RAUlUEr sroRrS CLUB: Discussion was held on the <br /> status of the site Plan Review, Case #92-09 <br /> Carlson moved, seconded by winiecki to convey the <br /> Commission I s general concerns to the Council that it appears to set a <br /> precedence using financial hardship as a basis f= extension. ~offit, <br /> piotrowski, winiecki, Carlson voting in favor; McGraw abstain 4-0-1) <br /> ~ REPORT <br /> Acting Clerk Administrat= Iago reported on items of interest to the <br /> Connnission. <br /> . cctn'INlJED DISCUSSION: ZONING ClRDINAN::E REVISIONS <br /> The Connnission continued discussion on Zoning Ordinance Revisions <br /> between 8:40 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. <br /> ADJOURN <br /> Mo3raw moved, seconded by winiecki to adjourn at 9:40 p.m. <br /> Chair Dennis Proffit <br /> . <br />