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<br /> JrupOl1ul Page No. 01 Pages <br />. <br /> DESIGN/BUILD <br /> GUDMUNSEN DESIGN & BUILDERS <br /> 1405 Silver Lake Road, Suite B-2 <br />. NEW BRIGHTON, MINNESOTA 55112 <br /> (612) 636-8464 <br /> PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO PHONE DATE <br /> STREET JOBHAME <br /> CITY. STATE and ZIP CODE JOBLQCATION <br /> ARCHITECT DATE OF PLAN$ JOB PHONE <br /> lIlilr Jrapour hereby to furnish material and labor - complele' in accordance with specifications below, for the su.m 01; <br /> - dollars ($ ? 1/'0 00 ), <br /> Payment to be madll as follOwS: , <br /> All malerlells guaranteed 10 be as spaeIH'd. All work 10 be COmpleted In a workmanlike <br /> m"MalllCCardlno loalan(!8rdpIQClkos,Anyallaratlonordavlatlen r'omspaclllcallonsba- <br /> low inVOlving ut,. coata will be "."ellI8d only upon wrlllan order.. and will become an <br /> axlr. cha'gaovurano:lobOvo \!\oaat!mala.Allag,oomanta conllngant upon atrlko8,"ccl_ <br /> (lenl~ 0' delays beyond our ~onlrol. Owner to cerry 11'0. lornado Rnd olhor necosu,y 30 days. <br /> Insurence. O~r wor~O'3 ere fully cove,ed by Wo,~men'. Componsollon Insu,ance, <br /> We hereby submllspecificaliofls ~ndeslimates lor: <br /> PROJECT: Regrade 'dri veway from existing concrete garage apron to <br /> new concrete approach at street. <br />. Sketches are a part of this proposal: <br /> Remove 2- trees south side of driveway to be replanted after proper I <br /> grade has been establ ished. <br /> Remove approx. 60 yards of excess dirt from street to existing <br /> concrete apron. <br /> Contour north and south side of lawn to blend into new driveway <br /> grade. Remove approx. 80 yards. <br /> Install Allan Block retaining wall around existing tree to minimize <br /> damage to tree and removal of existing soils. <br /> Place 4" of Class #5 base on driveway and grade. I <br /> I <br /> Place 3" of top soil and sod north and south side of drive way <br /> approx. 160 yards. (watering of sod to be by owner.) <br /> All excess dirt to be removed from site. <br /> Removable of existing bituminous to be done by others. <br /> I <br />1 I <br />. 1\rr.rptunrr of 'rnpnlIal- The above prices. specilicalions I <br /> and condilions are satisfactory and are herebyaccepled. You are authorized Signature <br /> to do the work as speCified. Payment will be made as outlIned above. ) <br /> Date of Accllpl~nce; Slgnalure <br /> FOntol. ra.] A"MoblO I",,,, tEmJrnc. Croton, tol.... olm <br />