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<br />. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Irene Brodi:_ .age 101, has wrj~en 10 Washln'gton, D.C., ~oncernln'g abuses she perceives in the national farm subsidy program. She stands <br />~~~f~~rCla' reading nook equipped with a magnrlyi~9 monUor in her Presbyterian Homes, residence, Arden Hills, (Review photo by Brad <br /> <br /> <br />A person is never too old to fight injustice <br />I......'.:,'."'.'.'... :..':".,.":..,',..:..".'..":..,'.'..'..'(0.,,.,, :..;.,...'..,."....,,:.,.,..,:.,..,'...:,.,.',.,.,.:.,'.-. :'.,1 ,ilho",""o", of th ,'''', mer of on, C listing them as mem,bcrs 0,[ his methods some producers and their <br />i\.J:tp:E:N;~:LJ:.S);~;i eye. She also has a special new coqxmlLion. attorneys devise to deal with rules <br />':"--.ii\,-,,,,;,i,;;/iN: device to help her hear. She was so angered by this involving government paymcrrts." <br />__,/__" """,,,,,'''''~'., o~ a rece~t "60 Minutes" sham Ihat she gal out her walker Thccasc is nOw in court, he adlled, <br />by Pamela O'Meara program s~_saw a segment on lhe ,and took a petition 'around to her Wh~ COljlaCaed about Brodie's <br />Irene Brodie of Arden Hills, farm subSidy p.rogram sot up to neighbors at the Presbyterian Letter and petition, Vema's office <br />age 101, is living proof that a. help .T~e program Home, Arden Hills, Campus: said the congressman is interested <br />. person is never too old to fight porU'llYcd a wca, llhy fanner wllo set explaining tlle [.<lud in the farm in learning' more abnut Iier <br />injustice in the world _ even if up a fake cprpoIation of many subsidy program.' Over 100 ,concerns. , <br />slle is legally blind, very ha/d of small farmers to receive the rcsidenlssigned it She then wrote". "It may be a crazy crusade ----,. J <br />hearing and uscsa walker, govemmcntmoney. to President George" Bush, don't know,~ Brodie S<lid. "I h(lJlC <br />Brodie keeps up on what's Secrewyof Agriculture Edward they'll bring out some reforms ill <br />going on in the world by "reading" "BUT MOST ALL, of ,the Madigan, Minnesota Sens. pave the agricultw-e,pepanmenL And the <br />the daily newspaper, attending moneywenUo this fellow, and DUIenburgerand:paul :WeLlstone, farm subsidy"program isn'l l,he <br />weekly current events discussions, (among the, members of the phony and Congressmen GerIy,Sikorski only problem,...... paying people not <br />and following "60 Minutes," corporation were) ~ black men, and Bruce Vento and enclosed a 10 plant.isanother. It's a wnsle 01 <br />"MacNeil-Lehrer" and shabbily-dressed and one missing a copy of herpclition. ,taxpayers',money." , ' <br />"Washington Week in Review':, on tooth,: ~cren 't farmers at all but A friend and fellow' resident at Brodie .8l'so has other cunccrns <br />TV. To watchthcse programs, ~he_w~r~"hired by this ~an ~t ,tlle PresbytcrianHome, age _92 about what's going on in America <br />sits sideways right next lo~e ._,I~U~lmum,_wage," she sal? The herself, typ~ up:,B~od.~c'~.1~t~.r ,- the mjsleading,SlalClllenL~ made <br />Ielevisiun, so ~hc.,., .can ti\'tc~,~~~".,::e~.~,,~~.~.ware of th.e.l~ ,b.os.s which &.'iid: "w.e appcu~,!-O. Y9!l.\O ',' by cand.idatcs at the lIalionill <br />,," '~bl,,~_':,!\of,;.'><,' ;.1" ".,.,,:'" _ use your aulhont~ to ~.m8;n!xi\llll",.,,_Qn~.C,\~Li.ons..,,~Ql~~}(allll~Je, 3].HI <br />r" <,)(. ..,~...."'\~,, " '. speedy eut-off of the subs(dleS,' to.- PreSident .Bush s squelchlOg oj 11 <br />bring justice to bear on the' health plan carefully wurked oul hy <br />pcrpcuaLOrs of this miscarriage of heath care providers and pu.'\scd by <br />justice !llld government money, and the LegislalUTC in Oregun. <br />B d. (to ensure) that future funds go to <br />ro Ie worthy people for which it was SHE READ AROUTihe <br />. . . intended." Oregon henlth plan in Iii,' <br />Co"tlllu~<ifr{)UlI."ge6 Brodie expl;lined, "It's nw[ully ]]ewsJlaper~ by using her reaLlillll <br />hard fur people trying IU make a machine which magnifies wordi60 <br />memories, published ill 1989. Just subsistence living on their farms. times and puts them up ori 11 <br />after she finished the book and was This (farm subsidy) bill was ctrawn computer-like screen. A formcr <br />getting it -ready for the publisher up by the House and Senate and nurse, Irene said Bush vetoed ;"hc <br />she suddenly wellt oHm] ill one ey~ ~gned by the president to :help plnn becaus.,e,',it did not pro'?tk <br />fwm a hemorrhage. Slllall fanners keep ~thcir operation kidney LraIlsp!ants.tO :lIcoh(}licS\lr <br />BUI sht) cOlllinutls 10 he active. working and gel some,ed\lcation on heroic ..heaILh.,j'lT\.easures r'IT <br />Hcr cnergy ami cunccrn aboutlhe farming. 1 hate to,see the big cxtremeJy low'bir(~~wcight b;ilJh" <br />wurld ilavc imp~s.~cd llmsc around COT]Jorutions lake over;lh,e~~illnHy who end upwilh hamlicajls if Ill"; <br />r"rms." "cyen'survive. :. <br />"I was vcry indignant abuut il <br />IT'S NOTl'HE FIRST time ,"~nd I stilL~m," shc said, "bUll <br />her. "She's a \'cry intelligent and p..'1ill. but it doesn't sl(lp her. She's she has writLCll 10 her senator or :', don't know what to do about il." <br />~etiv~ 'pe~.slll.: c_~)]]siderillg _her doing some!11ing alllhc lime, _ ~ongressman. "1 think I got that She di~, however, send a COJ1~ or <br />m~rnlltles, s:ud EvelYJI Grccn, her "fUSl because wc'rc' (lhJ unc~jl'l lrom my father. He thought you the_artLcle 10 her son, who IS a <br />[[lend and fellow resident of the -mC!ln we lose our IllClllaH:K'ultics. should speak up about things," she 'physio;!an, ,,/ <br />Preshytcrian I rume. wJ'o mc it' 11'5 g,mxl for the world, l(~ knuw 111<)1 . explained. Brodie has also. wrilicn a book. <br /> tJmt it wuman_ber ~gc is we nre still pcople 'Willullinds So far, ~e has rcc~i"ed a leller A IesideDl of the'Pr?sbyt.c~iun <br />~ILil vllal ellough and vllnlly illlercsleu in \lur J:(1VCflllll~'1l1 lllhl from Damel Shawm ,llle U.S. Home for seven years, she JOlllell <br />~lltCrc.~lcu. tu S<.'C I1mt things that ~ trying III help hUJLlalLilY,"~'('H'i:J1 Dcpartment of 'Agriculture the writing club a few yeurs ago. "I <br />. UTegu~U' HI our gllvellllllClll should added. "And thel\: arc!ilill IlI'(llliI' Ihanking her for her leuer and got assignments, did thCllI and, then <br />be put light inlerestcd ill Illlncsl\" ill petition. Sh,aw suggested Ihal.rne thought".'Wl1y don'l.l put them all <br />"~he puts lhe rcSI \lJ' us l\l su\'ernlll~'Ul.n man Brodie saw on "60 Minutes" together for my children'!'" The <br />shallle. She's had blllll knces was lllking advantage of an result Wil$ a book of her childhuod <br />rcplaceiJ, walks wilh a w;tJker, is in uninlentional loophole in the farm <br />sub~idy progra~. It's a "nev,~r- Brodie... <br />en~l~g baILie, he wrote, .to ConIJnuednnP., 8 <br />untlclpatelheeuremelycrcallve I:t <br />/'----l)uilrtin, l^Je('!,CJ/ocrh,z ,'/ <br />(1(' ,UC'!!'" i 9//1 /cjc~ <br />