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<br /> ~~i~~~~~gestof~lies, pond assesslllents' get 0 K-Y <br />. IARDEt.:H~:;ij''!Ij'1 i ~~~~,'OO'"""tionof'm"'ti,g MaMw>1d,~':"J1!'Lin~,,-tlii.I~;;;'~""'\;h". ;,r"L, Iho" '" olh" <br /> , "'''''';;'<,c},""",:;:{i:;;:,:b;~';:':~ "We hav' take l' . . th' CIty l~ paruclpatl.ngan~ that-ttlere is no propertiC51hal drainimo the pond? It is <br /> . ,e n eSllmonyon IS ronsparac)'.",, ,: .', ~"," ,.ilIegal"not \.0 assess all properties that <br /> by Tim Fu.hrer matter on a couple D.f. oC,:as!on~," AccordinS to city recor~.:the-,area' ire affecled." according to Lawrence. <br /> Arden Hills city officials have been ~yor :'J1I~1l8 Slllhcr ~UlI. ~c d like was developed several years ago lind as He added lhal he council was lI)'ing "La <br /> Oooded not by rain dripping through a h;re~ity~~o:~~rn.~~IS. d. pan of the develop~nt.,an existing divide,lhcncighborhpodAO.wcwon'Lbc <br /> leal:. f . ha ' ", 0 UI a nunagc pondwaslOhavebecnJcloCatCdandre-- 8blelOtakcle alacu " <br /> ave: r~ ;f:~~ed \~i~~:e~~j~' ,system that will carry water from the sized 10 boldthe,'!id!~9n&"sumnwa~,. '~' ,Res.idCWts:I,SO q~:lio'ncd a July 27 <br /> improvements to a stormwaLer rerentioh' ~~ ~~~~:l ~w:e \.0 anolhc~ ~off as a ~ult qf:the dcveI9P~~~~t.: summf!lY,:~f!he project,which they iillY <br /> pond. ' '?9. ~I,OIla workwasnevefh:c?,ropleted,;'" they did not rece1ve unul the day of the <br /> During its Aug. 31 session, the numberw~~~cca~mns, the cHy has (\t last.we_ek::9,,'~~arjngi';; a(ea '"counc;U,mceting. <br /> Arden Hills City Council, amid-char es pum~"'Gr fro Lbe pond: ' i) '. residents saI4.CltY;',~1~1~S; :~:a~e, riot ,;, .,' J"be: SUmmary, which was prepared <br /> Lbat city officials "blatantly' lied" an5.js and As~Ocia:m~~r:y~~~~,Stev.:art ~ed _P:l~ or m,it:tIm,~I~}nanl1ct i by.aty:':~UOmey Jerry Filla, includcda <br /> planning "an illegal ,assessment~" cOnsultant on the . t id I~CC[Jng, ng USSIOl\$ onw~ys ,to lmpKive . bneLhlStory,'of the Keithson Pond <br /> cnlCrtained almost wce hours'ofheatM for the . t's ~~' sac cost . the,~water'runoff:(~" ,~," ......,,~.":r project;,tesidents' objections to Lhe <br /> discussion on a PlQposa! \0 build a pond $12 ooero~.:e a ~5,OOO. f>.bout"" __ I.want to kno~ why. the c~ty ,p~po~!Illdthecity'sresponsclD those <br /> inthearcanear~eithsonDrive.. ow~ri', ssesse tOPI~y.,..,~ncll~refllS(X(lO~'~luls;,._~~~~Ofl1l'>\'~' :'.. <br /> The eounci( Wlanimously approved . "The'eit is takin on bl~tantl~ ~ 10 property o~~aboul Ad'" H"U <br /> the project after the he;aring,-,which Jhe cost;" tounciltemt~~~~~ thIS,~~'Kurt~wrencco,~d,,~',:'; ,r. ,~.n ,.1 S."" <br /> . .000: F'J!~es,,,, g;-. :;-. >:COlltl~ueUonPalle20 <br /> __. ._--. - ~> <br /> Pal"e 20 Wfo;rl~'~~::;';:~t""9 \OO? THE RlnUITIN - - <br /> 'Arden 'Hills/bebaie questions"assessment notification <br /> , "It was my und~sumding resi- the associated improvement pro~' :\'on the assessment role_ The', situation,':' Council Member ~ul <br /> dents were mai1ed a:copy," Council yides't aoQ.any assessment}.'~ ,:engineer determined that' some, .;:tvfaIone said,"l'~.not sure if. it's. a. <br /> Member Dale Hicks said. Acting upontbe'beDefit, is a legalpro~ diain l00pereenl;,some!lOpeICCIIL: >problem of the citY. council,. but, . <br /> iClerk-AdministralOlCatberioe lago cedure," _ .-.,..': ",' . \;:~: ,some less man that," ,Filla saidi ';rather, ..a proble,~, of .several <br /> \agrees. "My understanding 'Y!'as thaJ. Oilier residents say'that,all of iAssessmcn1s. will range, from :i. property owners," ~ f, ., .,. . <br /> 'they were mailed"too,".sbe said.", ". the properties thai drain'into the ',$I.soo 10 $375 per property.. ,;,,,.., MalODe "sa~t!_)here is" ~Slm~, ,'n <br /> Because qfthc apparen1mix-up, pond, iI,Lcluding.. a townhouse "" ": qu~stion_ a:j:_,to whethCf :the.. , <br /> ,Mark Magers asked the city council devell,lpm~nt, ,at~not included in . RESIDENT TERESA Giel development-in':the areama~e - <br /> to reschedule We meeting to a later the assessment. The summary '..said most objections were (Rised stormwaler runoff wone than when <br /> ':date, "I hate ID drag this on,but 10 states: that "!hose properties mat in 'because of a lack of communica- the propeitywas un,improved,"But <br /> :minutes is not enough time 10 look the council's judgement benefit_ don between the council and then.' we buil.d"s,torm sewers (in <br />. :_over this document" . ..,.. from the improvement have been . residentS, "All we ever wanted similar situations) in other parts of <br /> . Sather suggested moving' ,the, ' selecled.for assessment" , -were answers. ~ she said. ''Tonight ~ the city," he,sajd.','I'm really: 10m <br /> 'lIearing to adate in early Se~m-. Filla said thar.the townhouse see you all acting ,bored" witbno and would like tohearargumenls," <br /> ,bee. "I'm notswe the'reSidents will,., .deve1opm~nl.' has its own eye eonlact. 1 thfuk'thaJ. you should Ma)'or,Tho~,S~ said thaJ. <br /> 'have had ample lime to respond,~ stormwatet drainage and does not know that as your ,neighbors, it "the city has a'rcspoDsibility to <br /> "he said. contrib~ to the pond, doesn't feel vert be here." provide a rea~onably" !"safe <br /> , Residents say that they should. Mahowald said il had not been environment'lt wouldbe,!1~ligoot <br /> 'HICKS SAID "that. if the ' not have to pay for the project ~:the council:s intent ,~'to hide for the citY,.-to.say il's'_not a <br /> '.group wants time, I'd support that beCause they paid the <tevelopel for 'information at,keep (residents),in PfOblem." ,,', ::',,;'. <br /> 'rom tired of innuendo and lies pond improvements. Residen~'also ,'1hc dark, It's been a long project: 1 ; " Gouncil. ,Member Thomas <br /> (about the actions of the council on said that city officials: did' nOl "don't say that with pride. ,I,t has~, .1t:ahowald. agr~ed" "The issue <br /> i~" mallO'," '" "', prop'''Y '..peel th, po,d hefore'_ . te>lbook ......p'eof ~ow to 'co,'d he ",,<<(- ~. '''I 00,' <br /> . Mahowald said that he "was not releasing the d~veloper's 'dOaprpjecl,,' ..:-..... .:"<", 1; (theKeilhsonPondpro~}on.the <br /> ,sure what will be, ,gaine,d , by performance bond" 'Construc'uonon; the Keithson.~ benefit. There- isla 'whol~ ser of: <br /> ldelaying this further. Everyone Aeeord\nglO the sum'mary, all Pond~prO~t is, schCduled'to stari~:un~circumstanCc.s," :)....( l::~:H~: <br /> ,knows where everyone else stallds. RSSCssed properties contribu1e some shortlY.:~,after, L~b:o,r:~a.y,;:;.",n,d':i'~';'::r,~e ~!tr .c~pncil scheduled '8' '; <br /> If we can engage m a commen~. runoff, to the pond and, the ProccedliU1anncd.'; '.' ~ "':'~':,;$:,,' ,,:,,"~bh~ bearmg-,on" the proposal for <br /> that's fine. But if we're going 10 be assesslIIents,"areapportioned based', . . }_ '~""'" .:'~'-':j,t~.' ',"li:Jts~~~ 28"ses:sl_on. . <br /> called liars, r~dents ~ not going upon the resulting beACI1Lprovided .... :rhe' A,roen: HillS, Cit~iq>\n~,i~;':'I':_',.-:",:: _' . ;:;: <br /> to fmda reapUve council." lDeachp~pcrty." ,last week. li1-so accepted ~ids'on, . i'>;"; "I.,":' ,',' <br /> .~: :"-fter a I5,minute re:ess,. Filla Fi!la sai~ the city hired an Arden pta,ce st.pnn'seweri~~l&L, ';/:~I."" '-'.' " <br /> ~vlewed the summary.' Residents appJalSCI to look at each property .ment proJect,:RQ,-SoCO~ actmg,',::';..... ">'.'~'~".: , . ,:,. <br /> ;play not be comfortable with the and to determine a maximum Inc. is ,t~e '1ow'bidder,,'for"thv-"'+I\;-"' .' '. ,::' "":r. '~(:;:::L,:, <br /> :answers they get, but ~ey are the assessment, "He came up with 'project, wbichw~I~.~:()fl)bOLtt;J..t~::.' ,', :\>,_,~,>:.<~'L""': <br /> .o,ly o""~" th,y >011,,,. h," .boul$1500'FIII'~ _O'~2"OO', I ,.>"!"'^"~'~I(~".' ,. <br /> . ,,"" ,.>'~"" 'I' c ,.,," ,'" I <br /> 'said. "',the'-as'sumption that (water from', The project'will'rel? ce'_:a:. ., :'/kt~. ;',;~:,l ''-;;'ir" 'c',; <br /> t ,;..",:~" tbe) entire Ii'arcel drained into plugged storm se,~r:i'~lti ,'~~' , ' ~~;'~. : 1.'1.~(1"':;~".~ ll?t<'l~;:~,'" ',;' <br /> MOST R~mENTS claim the. pond." .' .- ,which caU$CS ,flooding'tO:.t~te"astf: 'tx~~/ :"~' "q' ,~..~,' !',":- " ':" ~ <br /> 'proposed assessment is illegal. "Based on the city's engineering one home in the area duriog'Jieavy'rf.~~.; :;~ 'i,,-,.~~l':.f~;', <br /> According ID the summary, assess- judgement on how the lots drain, rains or the,sprlng snowmelt . .. . :.t,_:"?:"~ . ." ',ti;' _: <br /> ments "are based upon the benefit thal:'stbe ~s for_ the percentages "This is another sticky \~/ ,'.1 ':'~\ <br /> I 'J:', "....' <br />. ~ <br /> ;]3u/lefln <br /> N eel) c; /ce; /,~ <br /> L'C' ~7kKc>f '1j, /5.<.. <br />