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<br />Arden Hill s Council 12 August 31, 1992 . <br />Councilmember Mahowald asked that the assessment process be <br />clearly explained in the notices. Attorney Filla stated <br />that individual notices would state the maximum potential <br />assessment assuming the engineer's estimate of construction <br />c os t s plus overhead, divided by the number of parcels. He <br />added that the actual assessment can be less than the amount <br />listed in the notice, but not more, and would be determined <br />later according to the appraiser's opinion regarding <br />benefit. Engineer Graham said about eight parcels are <br />involved, <br />Attorney Filla advised that if Counci 1 wishes to conduct the <br />assessment hearing prior to awarding the project, it would <br />be a tight schedule since bid prices are only good for 90 <br />days. <br />DISCUSSION - 1993 STREET IMPROVEMENTS <br />Counci 1 reviewed a letter dated August 27, 1992 from <br />Engineer Graham wherein Graham suggested Council consider <br />the 1993 street rehabilitation and pavement majntenance <br />program so that necessary feasibility studies and field <br />information can be completed before inclement weather. <br />Engineer Graham stated that current street ratings indicate . <br />that t.he next two streets requiring reconstruction are <br />Bussard Court (Snelling Avenue to the west cul-de-sac), and <br />Dunlap Avenue (Ingerson Road to Cannon Avenue). <br />Councilmember Mahowald commented that during preliminary <br />budget discussions, it was Council consensus to concentrate <br />on overlay and seal coating projects in 1993 due to limited <br />funds and the fact that several projects were done in 1992. <br />Councilmember Malone said that Council consensus does not <br />preclude taking a look at Bussard Court and Dunlap Avenue. <br />-" CH E DU L E TR U THIlL,Ti\ XP,Tl Q.NJiF,)"-RTliQ", <br />Council reviewed Truth in Taxation ProIJisions from Ram;=:,-ey <br />County Depdrtment. of Taxatl.on and Records Admi ni strati on, <br />ar,d a memorandum from st.aff suggesting possible dates for <br />t.he City's T::uth in Taxation publ ic fJearing, <br />MOT ION: Halone moved, seconded by Growe, to schedule the City's <br /> Truth in Taxation public hearing for ;1onday, ',ovember <br /> 30, 1992 at 7:30, \-.,7i tb. a continuation hearing (if <br /> needed) c'n C'ecernbel- ''', 1992 -, 7:30. Hotio:n carried <br /> L... I O.\... <br /> unanimously (5-0), <br /> . <br />