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<br /> I <br /> .. Round Lake Road West is in very poor condition, with rapid deterioration since the milder <br /> I temperatures in February and March of this year. The pavement has a number of pavement <br /> I distresses, including alligator cracking, raveling, rutting and potholes. Alligator cracking is <br /> caused from a combination of repeated traffic loading of heavy vehicles, unstable base, poor base <br /> I drainage, and brittle asphalt mix. Raveling is caused by heavy vehicle traffic, stripping under the <br /> I action of water and brittle pavement. Raveling has occurred in the southbound lane of Round <br /> Lake Road West in front of the businesses. Rutting is caused by truck traffic which exceeds the <br /> I structural strength of the pavement, poorly compacted subgrade, and wheel traffic in 10C"1i7<ed <br /> areas over unstable pavement. All of these distresses found on Round Lake Road West indicate <br /> I that the pavement has major structural distress. <br /> I Drainage of storm water runoff is another problem damaging the roadway. On a rural designed <br /> " roadway, the storm water runoff would be ideally directed into ditches or away from the roadway. <br /> On the west side of the roadway, the water runoff cannot drain to the west because the boulevard <br /> I is higher than the road, forcing water to remain on the road and causing raveling and alligator <br /> cracking. On the east side of the roadway, the water drains off the roadway into ditches. <br /> I However, these ditches are very flat and tend to hold water until it percolates into the ground. <br /> I This percolation causes the base material under the roadway to become saturated, reducing the <br /> strength of the pavement section. A number of areas along the roadway hold storm water runoff <br /> I to the extend that water damages the roadway surface. The southeast quadrant of 14th Street N.B. <br /> and Round Lake Road West is a low area that has standing water. When the water builds up, it <br /> I flows across the road to a culvert on the west side of Round Lake Road West. The water has <br /> I saturated the base which caused large potholes across the road. <br /> 3 <br /> I <br />