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<br />~hQr~bY certify that ell items and emounts shown by this pny estimate ere
<br />rrect for the work completed to d~te.
<br /> S'(:
<br /> TITLE:
<br /> DATE; ) qcr~7-
<br />.....:~\:.-.I,~,:::r,.~")Tf.\':;'..t"ll:;n..cIJ\ll.'-'lI"'...._~..",:;=;>>II m.c:~r;::!l.-.ltt:lt:=,~~;::r;::{=?;l..,~e=_=;:::::n";l;:;:o;j;:\1lla.l:l~~ :l:l.;":l.C1J:.'il"l~':.lVIIlI>>>:'fi'JII_II.I;.;I\lihl:...I'IIIIIlIJiI:~.'_.BI"lQ.1of.Q~D11 nl.'<iI.V~'IL~== ':oil ~~:ruo\r,_".!Illm
<br />8~sBd on the ENGINEER'S on-site inspections as an experienced and qualified
<br />design professional and on review of application for payment and the accompanying
<br />data and schedules, the ENGINeeR has determined, to the best of his
<br />knowledge and belief, that the quantities shown by this estimate are correct
<br />and that, based on such inspections and review, that the work hos progressed
<br />to the point indicated (subject to an evaluation of such work as II
<br />functioning Project upon Substantial Completion, to the results of llny subsgguent te~ts
<br />required by the Contract Oocument~. Ind to any qu~lifications st~ted in his
<br />recomTlcndation), Ilnd that paymont of the amount recornnended is diJe Contractor(s) I but by
<br />recommonding any payment, the ENGINEER will not thereby be deemed to nave reviewed
<br />the me/ll1s, mC!thOds, se'1uenceS, teohniqiJes, or proceedures of construction or safety
<br />4iiecoutions or programs incident thereto or that the ENGINEER has made any
<br />amination to llGcert..in how or for what purpose ~ny Contractor has used the monies
<br />id on account of the Contract Price, or that title to any of the work, materials,
<br />or equipment has passed to the Owner free and cle~r of any lein, claims, security
<br />interests or el1cumbral1ces, or thet the Contractor(s) have completed their work
<br />exactly in accordance with the Contract Documents.
<br /> BI'.
<br /> TITLE:
<br /> DATE: -
<br />=:::;:";:'::'~""_'.~,i':I.:;n ~.'10, 1I,'~:k.,,, ....11:.",. ....jlII_fr.taI.sl____.=.:.I:lo... ~;c<;.Z< O;O'....1I1IDM_'lIIl_llI:IlIII....'""'~.~;ICl1=l:;q;===,.__!rl!:lI'elI~~~~~,~....':O:...... WNI.alr.JU 1II..".""~.n,u:k.."JC: r::;,W,'C:I:."::I.~'r~ ,~>;;:...
<br />Appl'ovod by OWnerjColT\'t1h1iion
<br /> 61':
<br /> TITLE:
<br /> DATE:
<br />.~~.:r!''''~.':'::''''-':~=J;n::::t!7':O;:::'IIll~I!l!:;I:I~.2It::::a-::e.:::;p.,,",.-::;:::ama.'':iIlIllll. .1I!lII_rr~~n_J'lZ'r.I:lIlC.~C~la.lZ,,:,;=-"";:,=:;:o~:::c:...an::llll;Q~~~~'::=~':D~R1'":tt't::l.::l:=.~n,:rr::l '.:...:.::;~
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