<br /> . .
<br /> i2. 1II1II': Parking spe""" added '10 ExistIng spaa!I (If pIOject InwIws e<p8JIIioN 0 IiItImaled IDIal Awnp
<br /> Daily Traffic (AD1) generated 118 Estimated maximum .-u hour InIlfic pnenoled (If bawn) and 1Ia tImbtg: b 0 .
<br /> 4~(, PM ,For each affected road indicate the AUr and the cIbecllonaI dIotribuIIon of trUIk: with ad without the project.
<br /> Provide an ...timate of the impec:t on traffic: congestion on the affected roads and describe any tra/fk Imprc>1l1lll>llll whkh wID
<br /> . be neteSSal}',
<br /> S~E A1TA<:He'D
<br /> 23. VahlclHelalld air amIsalona Provide an estimate of the effect of the projec:t's traffic: ll"'M'ation on air quality, Including carbon
<br /> monoxide levels, Discuss the effect of traffic: implDVeDU!llls or other mitigation measures on air quality Impec:ts. (If Ute prDjed
<br /> imJolws 500 In' m= ptlTki7Ig 5pGt%S, .....,.JI 'EA W Gtriddina. lIbout lDItrthor a 4dJIiW air IfIMIlity analysis is ...w,)
<br /> "fI.j1~ PF.O...\a:T WILL '-'Of' cAUSE: A'NY 51,"'-IIFIG""'T l>eCRt:'~ ,"-' AIR Gl.UI>,LIT4'.
<br /> 24. SlIdonllry aourca air ,mI..lona Will the project involve any stationary IIlIWCI!S of air emissiOIlS (such as boilers or exhaust
<br /> stacks)? 0 Yes gj. No
<br /> If y.... describe the soun:es. quantities, and composition of the emissions; the pn>posed air pollution control devices; the
<br /> quantities and composition of the emissiollS after treatment; and the effects on air quality,
<br /> 25. Will the project generate dust, odoR, or noise during ronstruction ad/or operation? I!'l Yes 0 No
<br /> If y..., describe the sources, characteristics, duration, and quantlties or intensity. and any proposed measures to mitigate adverse
<br /> Impacts, Also identify the locations of sensitive receptoR in the vicinity ad estimate the Impects on these receptoR,
<br /> . DU'i>T l' 1JO'~ef '>J\L-~ e1O. ""lOtJe......~D 'r>'" TI<& ~L\p. GI'AO't.)u" UTIL'ITY ~ '12.""P C.~~T..uc.T'''N,
<br /> G,AADlt-lG, ..~v~p!E COMl'\-ETCD j"-l 2- i-'\CUTw.i-i PRO.>e'C.T c.olllPl-ETep I~ q",OUT ,
<br /> ~O"'DWIu-5l!i SP"'IIl"'-101ZeP oUI""''''' c",r-.>9fe '1t) 1111""1"'<:'6 t>U~T,
<br /> 26. Are any of the following resources on or in proximity to the site:
<br /> .. archeologic:al, historical. or an:hitecturaI resoun:es? 0 Yes IilI No
<br /> b, prime or unique farmlands? 0 Yes 1St No
<br /> C. d...ignated parks, rs:rmtion areas, or trails? 0 Yes IllI No
<br /> d. scenic views and vistas? 0 Yes IilI No
<br /> e. other unique resouroes? 0 Yes 21 No
<br /> If any i1ems are answered Yes, desaibe the resD\mle and Identify any impacts on the resouroe due to the project. Describe
<br /> any measures to be taken to minimize or avoid adVI!ISe impacts,
<br /> ,
<br /> Xl. Will the project create advene visual impacts? (EJamrp1es inclwk: gIan from inImst Jig/rts; lights ~,. ;" II1i1IU:ntess 1ftIIS; tm4 iIr8"
<br /> Wible plumes from .ooli"g lDv>m /1r aIraust sfads.) 0 Yes III No
<br /> If yes, explain,
<br /> 28. eo....ldblllty with pions ,Is the project subject to an adopIed local cmnpehemive land use plan or any other applicable land uoe,. _.
<br /> or """,uroe management plan of an local, rogionaL slate, or fe:Ier3I agerq? ~ Yes 0 No
<br /> If yes, Identify the applicable p!an(s). discuss the compatibilily of the project with the plOvisions of the plan(s). and explain how
<br /> any conflic:ts between the project and the plan(s) wID be resolved, II no, explain, r< D I ~ "CIS .(
<br /> . THE' Pf'OjE'cT IS COlJ ~I~""''''r WITfl TflE clry COMPf<~\.j6~IVe RAN, Z.DNI~" 0 A
<br /> c;TOt<:M IIJF-TeI2-. 1061 ~i. ?L.A,\-Cl,
<br /> 5
<br />