<br /> .
<br /> ,.. .... CMII1y.1urtIoo .... IIunDII
<br /> L Compare the quantity 1!lCIlj\Wlty of alIe runoft boion I!lCI .,.. the project. Doocrfbe IIlIlhoda III be uoed III IIWIap ud/or
<br /> _t runolf,
<br /> SeE ATTl>.Ct+l!i'o
<br /> .
<br /> b. Identify the route(s) I!lCI naiving water bodies Cor nmo/f &om the slIe. EstlDI8Ie the Impact of the nmoff on the quaIlty of
<br /> the naiving waters. af I1tt nmDff ""'Y offrd . .. ...-It "EA W GuiIIdina" .doul tI1IteI1ttr . JIldMd wp II7UIIysU ;. ....wJ
<br /> 566 A"1I A<:HeI>
<br /> ,9. WI1IIr ~1II11y. W..___,
<br /> L Describe sources. quantities, me! composition (eoo:ept lor IIOnrW domestic _ge) of aIll8lliwy I!lCIIndUItriaJ _ten
<br /> produced or ueated at the site, \"2,006 6Al.LOf..l!O- /p",y;
<br /> 100 G,A(.lJ)"':;(DAy/~t-:; X 1'Ul PE'tl-~IJ$:::.
<br /> b. Describe any waste tleatment methods to be used me! give estimates of composition after tleatment, or II the project
<br /> Involves on..ite sewage systems, discuss the suitability of the site conditions lor such systems, identify naivlng waters
<br /> (including ground water) and estimate the impact of the dUcharge on the quality of the receiving waters, (If I1tt Ifisch8rge
<br /> filii)' .!fed . l8kz: amsw/t ",EA W Gwide/ina" .....1 ",Itdm . mdrimt Wget II1III/ysis is 1ItItded,)
<br /> , N po,
<br /> C. If wastes will be discharged into a sewer system or pretreatment system. Identify the system me! dlsaIss the ablllty of the
<br /> ~ to accept the volume me! a>mMtion of the wastes. Identify any Im~ts which will be ~.
<br /> -r "' ~ec.T WI~~ u...e nf 6'Xl:;nt.l<l; GlTY :l>A.""T...J<y ~ !>V~T~.... TKAT I~I T/-Ie'
<br /> ~Tl'!:~O:T ~~~"'''Go ,1<,,,, SIre, TI-Ie' sy~Te'" H~ Tllli' CAF'Ji<:.IT'<' TO "'CGE:PT' TI+& YOL.Ufo;\E:
<br /> 4 C6N1F: ~F W""",,,T<!$ "''''''M Tj.j,~ =WT~,
<br /> . 20. Ground w..... - Polllltllllor Con1ImI..lIon \ 1\'
<br /> L Approximate depth (in feet) to ground water: "l minimum; average,
<br /> b. Describe any of the lollowing site hazards III grollJld waleO' me! aIJo identify them on the alIe 1Np: oinkholes; shallow
<br /> Ilmestone formations/kantconditions; .,Us with high infiltration rates; abandoned or IIIIUIed wells. Desaibe measW1!S to
<br /> avoid or minimize environmental problems due to any of these hazards.
<br /> NONE' Of ~Ae>6v", .\\A'ZARt;>~ eJ(J?T....., Tttl? ~ITe,
<br /> c. Identify any toxic or hazardous materials lei be used or present on the pn>ject sile and Identify ml!llSW'l!S to be used to
<br /> prevent them from a>ntaminaling ground waleO',
<br /> NONE., UNLEl77 l2ef..lT61>. 7 ():;C ij6UseHO~D HAZAt<I>Ou.<> W",o;TIf~.
<br /> 21. Solid W_; lllzanlaus W_; SIilIIIgI TIIIks
<br /> L Describe the types, 1DI01Dlts, and a>mposltions of soUd or hazardous wastes to be 8"'.elIted, Inc1udInf!; animal manW1!S,
<br /> liudges and ashes. lcIentify the method and location of cIIaposal For pn>jects generating mlllllcipal soIld _ IndIc:ate II
<br /> there will be a lIOWa! separation p1an; list type(s) and how the project will be modified III all!>w ~,
<br /> NA
<br /> . .
<br /> . b. Indicate the number, location, size, and use of any above or below ground tanks to be used lor storage of petroleum
<br /> products or other materials (except water),
<br /> l'JA
<br /> 4
<br />