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GREATjU <br />RIVERlRIPW <br />GREENING <br />root reserves are low may be an effective control. A regime of periodic prescribed fire will control <br />seedlings in communities that are managed with fire. <br />Chemical <br />Trees may be cut stump treated in fall and winter. Cut stems may be treated with glyphosate or <br />triclopyr. Basal bark spray around the lower stem with triclopyr when dormant. <br />Long-term Management <br />Monitoring for establishment of new individuals and populations will be necessary. Treat seedlings and <br />saplings before they are large enough to develop seed. <br />Russian Olive <br />Dec - <br />April <br />May <br />June <br />July <br />Aug Sept Oct Nov <br />Mar <br />Burn <br />Foliar Herbicide <br />Basal Bark Herbicide <br />Cut Stem Herbicide <br />