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4.2.2. Land Use <br />The Arden Hills City Council adopted the 2040 Comprehensive Plan on November 25, 2019. <br />The 2040 Comprehensive Plan identifies the existing land use within the AUAR study area as <br />undeveloped. Table 2 includes the 10 future land uses identified for the AUAR study area.' <br />Table 2 also links the future land uses to the corresponding development scenario <br />components. The current 2040 future land use map is included in Attachment A. <br />Table 2: Future Land Uses Identified in the AUAR Study Area <br />Neighborhood Provides for a range of attached and detached single- Residential <br />Residential family and multi -family uses at a density of 1.5 to 21 <br />(NR) units per acre. <br />The Neighborhood Residential land use designation is <br />further grouped into sub -categories based generally on <br />lot and home styles. Neighborhood Residential One <br />(NR-1) provides for detached single family homes on <br />traditional suburban lots at a density of 1.5 to 2.5 units <br />per acre. Neighborhood Residential Two (NR-2) <br />provides for detached single family homes on narrow <br />lots with alleys at a density of 2.5 to 4 units per acre. <br />Neighborhood Residential Three (NR-3) provides for <br />attached single family homes, duplexes, or townhomes <br />on lots either with or without alleys and small multi- <br />family uses at a density of 4 to 8 units per acre. <br />Neighborhood Residential Four (NR-4) provides for <br />attached single family homes, duplexes, or townhomes <br />on lots either with or without alleys and multi -family uses <br />at a density of 5 to 21 units per acre. <br />Town Center <br />Provides for a range of commercial and residential <br />(TC) <br />uses that offer housing, assisted living, senior housing, <br />office, retail, restaurant, and civic uses. Medium and <br />large residential uses are permitted at a density of 15 to <br />67 units per acre. The expected share of uses within this <br />area are as follows: 5% to 25% Retail; 0% to 25% Office; <br />and Residential will occupy the entire 15.9 acres. A <br />development intensity of up to 6.0 building to land floor <br />area ratio (FAR) may be allowed. <br />Campus <br />Provides for multiple, single tenant buildings or <br />Commercial <br />campuses within a business park atmosphere. <br />(CC) <br />Development intensity of up to 4 FAR may be allowed. <br />Residential, <br />retail, and <br />non -retail <br />commercial <br />Non -retail <br />commercial <br />I The descriptions in Table 2 reflect the comprehensive plan amendment that was approved by City <br />Council on January 8, 2024. <br />TCAAP AUAR Update 6 <br />April 2024 <br />