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This report serves as an updated traffic analysis for the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP) <br />Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) which was originally completed in 2014. The traffic analysis <br />was not updated as part of the 2019 AUAR Update. The TCAAP site is located east of US Highway 10 and <br />north of Ramsey County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 96 in the City of Arden Hills, Minnesota. The <br />development is known as Rice Creek Commons and is anticipated to include a variety of residential and <br />commercial land uses. The location of the development is provided in Exhibit 1. <br />The forthcoming traffic analysis focused on two analysis years: the existing conditions (2024), and a long <br />term date (2040) which will demonstrate the effects of the fully completed development on the adjacent <br />roadway system with future growth. No interim period is included in this analysis. <br />1.1 REPORT PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES <br />The purpose of this study is to address traffic and transportation impacts of the proposed development <br />on surrounding streets and intersections. This traffic impact study was prepared based on criteria set forth <br />by the AUAR guidelines. The following specific information, per AUAR recommended content, should be <br />provided: <br />• A description and map of the existing and proposed roadway system, including state, regional, <br />and local roads to be affected by the development of the AUAR area. This information should <br />include existing and proposed roadway capacities and existing and projected background (i.e. <br />without the AUAR development) traffic volumes; <br />• Trip generation data — trip generation rates and trip totals —for each major development scenario <br />broken down by land use zones and/or other relevant subdivisions of the area. The projected <br />distributions onto the roadway system must be included; <br />• Analysis of impacts of the traffic generated by the AUAR area on the roadway system, including: <br />comparison of peak period total flows to capacities and analysis of Level of Service and delay times <br />at critical points (if any); <br />• A discussion of structural and non-structural improvements and traffic management measures <br />that are proposed to mitigate problems. <br />Note: in the above analyses the geographical scope must extend outward as for as the traffic to be <br />generated would have a significant effect on the roadway system and traffic measurements and <br />projections should include peak days and peak hours, or other appropriate measures related to identifying <br />congestion problems, as well as ADTs (average daily traffic). <br />TCAAP AUAR Update I Traffic Analysis <br />April 2024 <br />