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seconds of delay per vehicle. The eastbound through, westbound left, northbound left, and southbound <br />left movements are all anticipated to operate at LOS F during the PM peak hour. <br />TABLE 15: MAXIMUM DENSITY WITH DISCOUNT RETAIL (2040) CONDITIONS DELAY AND LOS <br />SUMMARY <br />INTERSECTION <br />TRAFFIC CONTROL <br />AM PEAK HOUR <br />PM PEAK HOUR <br />DELAY <br />(Sec/Veh) <br />LOS <br />DELAY <br />(Sec/Veh) <br />LOS <br />Mounds View Boulevard & County Road H <br />Signal <br />38.8 <br />D <br />74.1 <br />E <br />CSAH 96 & US Highway 10 SB Ramp <br />Signal <br />40.1 <br />D <br />22.4 <br />C <br />CSAH 96 & Northern Heights <br />Signal <br />31.7 <br />C <br />25.3 <br />C <br />County Road H & 1-35W SB Ramp <br />Roundabout <br />6.8 <br />A <br />6.4 <br />A <br />County Road H & 1-35W NB Ramp <br />Roundabout <br />6.3 <br />A <br />19.3 <br />C <br />Note 1: Overall intersection delay and LOS reported for signal control. For side -street stop control, delay and LOS are reported for the worst <br />movement followed by the overall intersection delay and LOS. <br />Mounds View Boulevard & County Road H are anticipated to have multiple 951h percentile queues that <br />extend past their storage. While many of the queues at this intersection will exceed their storage, none <br />are anticipated extend into major intersections or restrict the flow of traffic. The northbound approach is <br />anticipated to see 951h percentile queues of over 1,000' in length but this is still far from long enough to <br />affect 1-35W or US Highway 10. <br />At the CSAH 96 & US Highway 10 SB Ramps, the southbound left is anticipated to see 95th percentile <br />queues exceed their storage length, but the queues are still far from impacting traffic along the freeway. <br />The westbound left turn lane is nearing its capacity during the AM peak hour. <br />At the TCAAP access (CSAH 96 & Northern Heights), queueing of the added southbound approach is <br />anticipated to be sufficient with the proposed layout, if the through lane is striped as a shared <br />through/right turn lane. The southbound left turn storage lanes may need to be in excess of 300' in length, <br />based on the results. Note that this intersection is anticipated to operate better than what was anticipated <br />by the Rice Creek Commons Traffic Study and the 2014 AUAR Traffic Analysis due to the existing traffic <br />counts showing significantly lower through volumes along CSAH 96 than either of those traffic studies. <br />The turning movement counts collected for this study are anticipated to be a good representation of a <br />typical weekday, based on review of MnDOT seasonal adjustment factors. <br />Based on a sensitivity test, the County Road H & 1-35W NB Ramp is nearing its capacity in this scenario. A <br />confidence level of 50% shows the northbound approach operating at LOS D. If this level of development <br />occurred, the roundabout would most likely operate acceptably but some operational and queueing <br />issues would likely be present, particularly at the westbound approach exiting the TCAAP site. The <br />intersection should be monitored if this level of development is realized. <br />TCAAP AUAR Update I Traffic Analysis <br />April 2024 <br />