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5.8 SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS <br />A signal warrant analysis was conducted at the TCAAP south access point of CSAH 96 & North Heights to <br />determine if the proposed development will justify a signal in the build conditions of year 2040. Volumes <br />were developed using the time of day distributions given by the ITE Trip Generation Manual 111h Edition. <br />The analysis was conducted using the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices <br />methodologies. Side -street right turns were fully excluded since there will be (at least one) separated right <br />turn lane for the southbound approach. Results of the signal warrant analysis of the Zoning Build (2040) <br />scenario is shown below in Table 16. <br />TABLE 16: SIGNAL WARRANT RESULTS SUMMARY <br />Warrant <br />Description <br />Hours Met <br />Hours <br />Required <br />Satisfied/ <br />Not Satisfied <br />Zoning Build Scenario (2040) <br />Warrant 1A <br />Eight -Hour (Min. Vehicular Volume) <br />12 <br />8 <br />Satisfied <br />Warrant 113 <br />Eight -Hour (Interruption of Continuous Traffic) <br />13 <br />8 <br />Satisfied <br />Warrant 1C <br />Eight -Hour (Combination of 1A and 113) <br />12 <br />8 <br />Satisfied <br />Warrant 2 <br />Four -Hour <br />13 <br />4 <br />Satisfied <br />Warrant 3 <br />Peak Hour <br />12 <br />1 <br />Satisfied <br />Results of the signal warrant analysis for the Zoning Build Scenario(2040) shows that the intersection is <br />anticipated to satisfy all analyzed signal warrants. It is anticipated that a signal would be built as parcels <br />start to develop on the site. <br />The TCAAP AUAR has been updated based on the current development plans and updated traffic counts. <br />The 2014 AUAR traffic analysis provided a review of Existing (2014) Conditions, project traffic forecasts <br />based on multiple development scenarios, and an analysis of future operating conditions to assist in <br />developing a mitigation plan for Long -Term (2030) conditions. Below is a summary of the current (2024) <br />traffic analysis. <br />6.1 EXISITNG LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS SUMMARY <br />A capacity analysis was performed for the Existing (2024) traffic conditions at the study intersections to <br />determine existing operating conditions. The analysis was performed for weekday AM and PM peak hours. <br />Existing intersection control and geometry was assumed for this analysis. Based on the analysis, all <br />intersections operate at LOS C or better, except for CSAH 96 & North Heights, at which the northbound <br />left turn movement operates at LOS E during the PM peak hour. Because this is a very minor movement <br />and the intersection will be signalized in the future, no mitigation is proposed. <br />The 95" percentile queue lengths were reviewed, and the following movements are anticipated are <br />anticipated to be at or near capacity in the Existing (2024) conditions: <br />TCAAP AUAR Update I Traffic Analysis <br />April 2024 <br />