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CCP 01-20-1993
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<br /> - - ------- <br />. Honorable Mayor and City Council <br /> January 9, 1993 <br /> Page Three <br /> Glen Hill Road and Asbury Avenue could be closed. The County's share of costs would <br /> include normal geometric improvements on the Hamline Avenue leg of the intersection and <br /> one-fourth of the signalization. The City would be responsible for funding the Old Snelling <br /> Avenue improvements and one-fourth of the signal. Any additional features, such as sidewalk, <br /> would be 100% City funded. <br /> Alternative 1 could be expanded to include construction of a frontage road along the west side <br /> ofTH 51 between Old Snelling Avenue and Glen Hill Road. This alternative would allow for <br /> closure of the entrance/exit on TH 51 at Glen Hill Road. Further investigation would be <br /> necessary to determine the need for additional right-<>f-way. The impacts on surrounding <br /> properties, for example, the northwest corner of Glen Hill and TH 51 and the wetland area <br /> south of Old Snelling Avenue, could make the frontage road option costly. Mr. O'Keefe <br /> indicated that MnDOT would most likely participate in roadway costs for this option. <br /> FRONTAGE ROAD - ALTERNATIVE 2 <br />. The proposed frontage road improvement consists of construction of a 32-foot wide road along <br /> the west side of TH Sl between Old Snelling Avenue and Lydia Avenue. The proposed <br /> location is shown on Exhibit 2. The frontage road alignment would require additional right-of- <br /> way acquisition, a portion of which is in the City of Roseville. <br /> The estimated construction and project costs for the proposed frontage road are shown in Table <br /> 2. The total project cost, including overhead, is $393,730. The construction cost of $298,280 <br /> is based on a typical 32-foot roadway. Although this cost appears to be less than that of <br /> Alternative 1, the cost would increase significantly with right-<>f-way acquisition. If it is <br /> possible to acquire sufficient right-of-way to construct the frontage road, the City would be <br /> responsible for 100% of the right-of-way costs. Another City cost that would involve <br /> additional land acquisition is wetland mitigation. Other items not included in the estimate are <br /> the impact on Northwestern College entrance roads and utility relocation. The costs for right- <br /> of-way and these additional items could easily exceed the frontage road construction cost and <br /> would be funded by the City. <br /> The alignment affects two wetland areas. The larger of the two wetlands is just south of Old <br /> Snelling. The second area is north of Lydia Avenue on Northwestern College property. The <br /> permitting requirements for this alternative are the same as discussed with the intersection <br /> alternative. There does not appear to be a location in or near the proposed site that would <br /> accommodate additional wetland areas. <br />. The frontage road intersection with Lydia Avenue would impact the Northwestern College <br /> entrance. The existing brick pillar entryway, wrought-iron fence, and an established grove of <br /> trees would be affected by the proposed alignment. <br /> 030-1506..... <br />
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