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<br /> '-' F' _ 0,1 <br /> - <br />- "'lri/,I.:Ir/'/M;i~;'St~;;:;t&A~:~~;:::~~~~' <br /> I . <br /> I <br /> i MRMO <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> DATE: March n. 1993 <br /> I TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members <br /> Aroen Hills ' . <br /> I Patricia A. Arli~, P,E. ~~ <br /> i <br /> i FROM: <br /> SUBJECT: Water Tower Repairs <br /> Femwood A Ventle Water Tower <br /> 52Q-027-00 <br /> .__..........--..............'=''''"............,...,..'''.........,........._._~-.,.------ ---- __...~_...._..:v"o._:"'F ....... .___ <br />. In Iuly, 1991, Braun Intertec completed all inspection of \hl) F(ll11Wood Avenue Water <br /> Tower. They submitted photograpbs and a brief report recolnmending that further stt1dy of <br /> the structural cOndition inside the tank be compl~, A float down inspection of the tank <br /> was completed by AEC Enginccring On CXtober 6, 1992. ^ report including their findings <br /> a.nd recommendations was S\lbmitte4 in ~ember. 1992. <br /> The report includes recommendatillJ'lS for repair, modifications and painting. Dan Winkel <br /> and I arc attending the March 16th mretiog to answer questions regarding the rec(lmmcO(I~ <br /> water tower structural rehabilitation and plIinting. <br /> The work recommended is estimated to cost nt'.arly $300,000, This work could be divided <br /> into a two year PT(1jt:Ct; Slruclw..l rcpfiirs and interior painting during the first year and <br /> exterior painting on the second year. This approach would mean a lower expenditure fOT <br /> the City this y~r. However, it is estimatoo t1iat the total project cost would be lower if the <br /> entire project is bid and completed in one year, (Reducf'.d mobili7.ation, bonding, etc. costs <br /> for cOlltraCIQr.) <br /> I In order to complete the illlerior worj( in 1993 and to obtain competitive bids, we , <br /> I <br /> i recommend a schc.dule which requires council approval now, MSA 00\111;1 begin in March <br /> I <br /> ! to prepare spt:Cifications and contract documents for distribution in May. and bid in June. <br /> Work would commence in Angust or Septf.mbcr dcpending on tile weather and the Col1tracior <br /> . <br /> , workload, , <br />- I <br /> I <br /> We r<,.commend that the d(ICumcnts be prepared to include both interior work and exterior <br /> painting. Thc cxterior work could be bid as an alternate. . <br /> - '959 SLOAN PLACE. SUITE 200. ST. PA\,JL. MINNESOTA 55117 6'2.714-6021 . <br /> , I 9800 SH€l.AAD PARKWAY. SUirE 102. MIN"CAPOLIS. MINNESOTA .S441 612.546-D43? . EQual Oppor1unlty Empley~ <br />