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<br /> PJlGE 'DIREB <br /> PAVDIBIlT MMIIlGI!JIEtfl' lJPDATB <br /> . We have also received questions regard.i.rr;J 10ily are we overlaying "'b.....ts <br /> that may have been done reoently. Mr. Talllot fran 4250 Norma Avenue <br /> years ago. Mr. Tall::lat is ........Lect. however, the section in fi:-ont'of his <br /> house was a maintenance overlay project repairing sane very soft spat:s <br /> that had to be duq up an::l replaced. 'lhe new overlayment would be put in <br /> plaoe to reinforce the maintenance wark that was done. 'lhi.s entire <br /> repair was done at the City's expense. '!here renains a section of Norma <br /> Avenue scuth fran COlleen Avenue for atnJt 150 feet that did not get <br /> overlayed at that time. Both MarX Graham and myself feel that if the <br /> residents on the scuth ani of Noma are opposed to the overlay ani the <br /> ",a~--..1'lt, then we should continue to pn:sue overlaying the northern <br /> portion of the ",L..eet. but at the City's expense. 'lhe entire ", <br /> wculd be sealcoated within the next three to five years. I have called <br /> an::l left a message for Tan TalJ:xJt at 4250 Norma so that we can ni ......1SS <br /> this issue. I will be writing to Mr. Talllot to explain the <br /> circumstances. <br /> We have also received inquiries fran residents in the Wyncl:e.ot Lane an::l <br /> Wynridge Drive areas asking why we need to do these ",L..eets 11ClW. 'lhe <br /> OOIlOel:uS centered on the fact that there doesn't appear to be large pot- <br /> holes, therefore possibly the ",L..eets ca.tld be left alone for awhile. <br /> It was explained that althoogh these ..4....ts did not rate at the very <br /> tc:p of the list for an overlay, they are in between the overlay ani seal <br /> coat ratiJ'gs. If the residents show' erDJgh objection to the overlay. <br /> then at the very least the ",L..eets in this area shQI.1ld be seal coated <br /> this year. MarX an::l I Ix:Jt:h feel that these ..l.1.....ts will probably <br /> . require an overlay within the next two to four years. We do not want to <br /> reduce the integrity of existing conditions. To wait until large pot- <br /> holes develop may mean to do a IIIJCh mere expellsive reoonstructi.on <br /> project rather than an overlay. <br /> ~:rk <br /> . <br /> ---- <br />