<br />~,a.j l Newport bin,go hall plan hi,t~ .' te-- to
<br />l.. snag with its traffic proposal L01/;
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<br />. By Judy Spooner code. ~ I'''''
<br />Staff Writer There will be.lraffic conjestion at arrival and depar.
<br />ture times. suid Carlson.
<br />A special meeting is expected 10 be held this week by To' avoid "staCking" at Glen Road, "where there is
<br />the Newport City Council 10 approve a uaffic plan for a already a problem," it was suggested at the planning
<br />bingo hall that's expected to open in January, " commission meeting thatuaffic could be directed north
<br />The bingo hall will be located in the fonner site of . from High Street. Cars could go north on Highway 61
<br />Fisher Foods, which is going out of business infiewport . from High SlICet or go north 10 21st Street 10 turn south
<br />Center. . ,. ,,,' on Highway 61. '
<br />The special meeting was also to include naming the This would. be done with the anendants directing
<br />Newport Athletic Association as a non-profit orglllliza- traffic. There is also a plan to have an off-duty police.
<br />tion and approve them as charitable benefactors of some officer at the bingo operation. Carlson said.
<br />of lhc bingo sessions. .. Sawyer soid the three city intersections ontO Highway
<br />However, the council changed its mind and decided to 61 are already difficult for residents to drive through. A
<br />approve lhe request by the athletic ass~iation at last . Sugll!'stion 10 direct uaflic to the north would work, he
<br />week'S meeting, even though it was not an official agen- said, if drivers were "lemmings," and would follow each
<br />. da itrm. ,_" _,' ,: . -: ". other. He snid they would also go through the Super-
<br />/'_ The operation will have seven sessions of bingo Oi America parking lot.
<br />. week for the Turner's Auxiliary. It's expected that Tor-! "Most people won't go one.half mile north to go
<br />ner's Gymnastics. the parent orgamzal1on. Will add. south," said Sawyer.
<br />._ scvcn scss~ons in April:wh~ICi!':ir ICas.....IS up at the Pot I . He said he was n".~'!Y!~g ~()::~~~_",.ct blanket" o~ the
<br />,~O_Qgld 10 Arden Hills, _ - _I. bmgohiilf,DutS31dtriifficdlrectlOnwouldPuta"Senous
<br />, The gymnaSUcs school is located in McndotaHeights. . burden" on the' deparunent's manpower. ,J
<br />The council originally approved the license applica. Citizens who arc not police officers are not authorized
<br />tion for the bingo hall with the stipulation that a parking to direct traffic. he said. ."
<br />and traffic plan be submitted 10 the council for approval Council member Basil Loveland said the. session,
<br />at a later time. - times would }lot coincide with "gridlock" at11lSh hour. .
<br />At last week's meeting. the council approved the . . Patterson said SuperAmerica modified its site plan. at
<br />. parking plan. but said an acceptable traffic pian had an: .its own expense. at lhe inlersection of Glen Road and
<br />been submiued. . 'Hastings Avenue, knowing that it might be three years
<br />Bill Beard. represcnting Tu..".r', 'IUd Dave and Mary . before any traffic improvement project could' be done.:
<br />North, owners of Newport Center, said he thought he . Carlson said SuperAmerica doesn't add traffic 10 the
<br />was submilling a plan. intersection !hat isn't already there uaveling)n and'
<br />Phil Carlson. Newport city planner. said the draw,ng through the., city. ,.'
<br />, submitted 10 the council was not a traffic plan. He said he Beard said people who come 10 the early evening ses-
<br />agreed with the suggestion by Gary Pallerson, city admi. sion typically stay for the next session as welL Tempor-
<br />nislrJtor, that. a traffic engineer. and Steve Sawyer, ary barricades would be placed at shoPping center exits
<br />police chief, be consulted. to direct traffic 10 the north._
<br />Carlson said 38 parking spaces will be added 10 the Beard asked that the council approve the traffic plan
<br />existing parking, most of it in back of the shopping ceo.. and that two sessions of bingo that might add to rush.
<br />ter on land owned by the North's. hour traffic.. would be removed from the plan.
<br />Ninty.:wo parking spaces arc needed per session, he Sharon Marko. council member,' said she didn't
<br />said. A parking lot attendant will dircct bingo patrons 10 object 10th e. parking ps.-;x of the plan. \
<br />park 111 back of lhe ccnlcr. ' .
<br />There are plans to pave the new spaces with asphalt, BI ngo . ,
<br />:...Cr-' _I . 1 -r'-_ _nrV;~"" nl!1n confonns 10 the city. Continued on Page 4A
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<br />Bjn gO. . . ,"We know wc can't solvc a1llhe traflic problcms.:-
<br />SOld Patterson.
<br />Continued from Page IA "But we don't have lO make it worse." said Marko.
<br />.' . Beard said $45,000 worth of paving needs to be done
<br />"Again, I raise the objection of not addressing the full and it was pUlting the project in peril if they had to wait
<br />plan," said Marko. . twO weeks until the next council meeting to get
<br />She said current tramC was al "critical mass" without approval.
<br />addmg more traffic, Fritz Knaak. city altOmey. said a "clever lawyer. and
<br />Beard saJd he left the planning commission meeting there are two or three out there." would sue the city, on a
<br />. lhmklng they had a lraflic plan. He SOld a delay III client's behalf. if there was an accident and city didn't
<br />approval could forcc them lO abandon the bingo hall have an approved traffic plan.
<br />project. Dave North said other businesses in town has come in
<br />"It's not ncw to uS lhat there is 'ltraffic problem," said' and they had not been trealed as the bingo project had
<br />Loveland. . been. He snid there was a lot of traffic when Fisher
<br />He asked if the problem was prejudice against bingo '. Foods was in business.
<br />an~,ir lhat was the reason obstacles were being "thrown' "We're concerned abeutlraffic," snid North. "If it's
<br />up:", '. ......._......b.cJ.p<;epje.won.tcomeback."... "
<br />. We ";,,ked,ror a par!,mg pl"I.'~?~d a traf~<;.~l~~.,",~d;;"".:;'c1:l~~~d,~~:aclion:;'l)r.rne~b,tY:foi;')c~ ,c!l.,!lq ~.c?n.;
<br />MLlI ko. .We re halfway there. -~w:~..',.t,\i~ "~' '-'.~ ..~'stru~.::as. ~u-~usmess.':'" .,~...".,.~:,,~;., '.i,- ','~ :. /:./ ,'~ .,
<br />".;.' ;' 1'.\
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