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<br />_It shall be the oblioation and resoonsibility of the owner or <br />custodian of any doo in the City, whether oermanently or <br />temoorarily therein, to nrevent any such doo at any time to be on <br />any street, oublic nark, school orounds, or oublic nlace without <br />beino effectively restrained by a chain or leash not exceedino <br />eioht (8) feet in lenoth. <br /> <br />Any oerson hayino custody or control of any doo shall have the <br />resoonsibility for cleanino uo any feces of the animal and disoose <br />of such feces in a sanitary manner. It shall furthermore be the <br />duty of each oerson havino the custody and control of any doo to <br />have on such oerson oossession of a device or eouioment for oickino <br />uo and removal of animal feces. The orovisions of this oaraoraoh <br />shall not aooly to a ouide doo accomoanyino a blind oerson or to a <br />doo when used in oolice or rescue activities. <br /> <br />The fact that a dog is running at large within the meaning of this <br />section shall be prima facie proof of a violation hereof, and shall <br />subject the owner or keeper of such dog to the penalty provided in <br />section 5-39. (Ord. No. 198, 7, 6-27-77) <br /> <br />SECTIOH S 3 J. OlRrBR TO CLE1'j', Ur' 1'.FTER DOG. Thc mmcr of any <br />ao~ :Jh:ll2. h.a~,;c the. rcopoRsi13ility for clca.nin!3 tiE' any fccco of the <br />~nimQl, ~;hcrc7cr clF6~~cd thereby, ~nd oh~ll cliopooc of ouch feces <br />in :t :J:J.nitary ffi:tnncr. (Ora. .no. 198, 3, C 27 77) <br /> <br />. SECTION 5-34. OWNER TO PREVENT NUISANCES - The owner or <br />custodian of any dog shall prevent the dog from committing in the <br />city any act which constitutes a nuisance, It is a nuisance for <br />any dog to habitually or frequently bark or cry at night, to <br />frequent school grounds, parks or public beaches, to chase <br />vehicles, to molest or annoy any person away from the property of <br />his owner or custodian, or to damage, defile or destroy public or <br />private property. Failure of the owner or custodian of a dog to <br />prevent the dog from committing such a nuisance is a violation of <br />this chapter [or "this Code" or "this division"] . <br /> <br />SECTION 5-35. HABITUAL HOWLING AND BARKING DOGS UNLAWFUL; <br />EXCEI'T:ON, COrlr'L.'\.D" NOTICE, K"d1.n..'\NT. It SR:J.II <br />be unl:l..,:ful for aRY pcroon to s.;nr h:CCfl, R::l.YC in hiD POoocDDian, or <br />harBor any do'3 .:hich, BY frequent and RaBi tual Rm:liR'3, yelping, <br />b:J.rlcing or othCF:;ioc oh.311 sauce ocriouo annoyance or clioturb:tncc <br />to pc~oons or to the RLi~hBorhood, pro7iclca th:tt the ~rovioiono of <br />this sc::::tioR DRal1 not a!lJ!lly to duly authorizea Ros!li tala or <br />cliniss conducted for the treatment of offi.::Lll :J.nim::llo. no pCrElClR <br />oh.:!.ll be CCFl.~,,~ictcd undsr the pro~v.ioiono of this ocction CJ[ccpt upon <br />evidence of t',Je (2) or more aault perDona, each of a different <br />houaehole1., aRd no ',:arrant ahall be issued eJwept after fi7e (S) <br />clayo' ::rit~~n notice has been mailed or clcli7crsa ta the 6ccup~nt <br />0;: t~e premioes ',:here auch as,!! is )(e!lt or h:J.rbored, adviDin,!! tRat <br />:J. oomplaiRt haD BeLR maae about the as,!! aRa ealliR,!! attention to <br />the proviaiona of tRis DectiDR, and pro~iaca tRe complaint haa not <br />. been .Jithdra',:n BY either !larty. (Ord. No. 192, 12, C 27 (7) <br />