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<br />r1,;p-ll-1:'3.... 1::; ell Fi=C,jl Ht:!'~ r'E: 'ELQF'r'1E1 iT TO :::6':':';":33';' F'. 01 <br />· mTtC.(?.~'t eQ~1 FlQk.CA-rtL I~VNIO~\ilsr DATE: '3 'It l'7rS <br />I PAC:I!S II\QJ.DG " <br />fYI, N V -r I$. S THIS lWiE: .. <br />f'AlH; (,. 1>:\ - "7! :1 <7 fW( r. '3 '/ '8 - tt? r c;.tIt'IJNt: r. -:t -/ ~ - ":1. '2.'" ~ E <br /> <br />. ~ --- --- -~-. - .. .'--.' -- -.- <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS FINANCE COMMrTTEE <br /> <br />February 24, 1994 DRAFT <br /> <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />Call to Order: <br />The meeting was called to order at 7:37 PM. The following members were present Fran <br />Holmes. Christine Leavitt. Chuck Mertensotto. Charlotte McNeish, Carl Rundquist and Tom <br />Steele. Comrnittee member JOe (;orpstem was abSent. Also present were City Counat member <br />Pauf Malone and City Accountant Terry Post. <br /> <br />Minutes Approved: <br />The minutes for the meeting of January 27, 1994 were approved. <br /> <br />Sweanng In: <br />Charlotte McNeish and Tom Steele were sworn in by Paul Malone. <br /> <br />City Accountantn reasurer's Report: <br />Terry Post reviewed the highlights of the monthly financial report included with the packets. <br />H"1S report noted that the City Administrator has asked staff to request the committees to <br />consider drafting a mISSIOn statement and surrmalize 1994 goals. He briefly discussed tne <br />1993 annual report for the investment program. Terry commented on the letter from a citizen <br />. complaining about the minimum charge for water. The citizen complained that this minimum <br />charge encouraged waste of water. <br /> <br />Potential Projects for 1994: <br />'-he potential projects identified include - <br /> <br />- City employee benefit plans <br />. Service ..ees for non-profit units in the city <br />- Senior Citizen breaks on utility rates <br />- In house versus contracted city services <br />- Upgrade of water metering system <br />. Re engineering/efficienc)' review of city employees <br />- Development of mission statement/goals for 1994 (submit to council) <br /> <br />Paul Malone said that the city Administrator has referred the Senior Citizen Assessment <br />Deferral Policy to the Finance Committee as a potential project. He distributed copies of the <br />statute allowing deferrals and the Arden Hills resolUtion adopting the poliCY. <br /> <br />Committee Mission Statement: <br />The committee attempted to draft a missIon sta'temem: during the meeting. After wrestling with <br />the language, it was decided that each committee member should draft a mission statement for <br />the committee and submit it to Terry Post at City HaD by March 21st. Christine Leavitt <br />suggested that a mission statement should be very brief. Very brief mission statements are <br />much easier to remember. She suggested an ideal length of eight words. <br /> <br />Reput ls; <br />. Fran Holmes reported on a.ttending the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. She reported <br />that the Parks CommIttee IS concerned about the best use for the parks development fund. This <br />fund which was created from contributions by Uevt!luJ..'er:s IldS stuwed growing because there IS <br />