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<br /> [> <br /> ~ S1')"~""r &. <br /> -I"""':'\J_ <br /> J:'''''''......... <br /> ~ Jrar:"tC~Ti< <br /> . .;........ '&...\:. <br /> 525 Park Street <br /> Suite 211 <br /> SI. Paul, MN 55103 <br /> [> 612-293-3911 <br /> Fax 612-293-0373 <br /> 14 June 1994 <br /> Dear Parties Interested in the Development of the Twin Cities Army Arsenal Plant: <br /> Thank you for the opportunity to bid on managing the TeAAP project <br /> As you all are well aware, this is an enormously complex matter, involving many layers of <br /> government Upon reviewing the file, we believe you have two needs. <br /> . First, if the Army is stalling, you probably need a federal lobbyist who specializes in the <br /> transfer of military property. You may not need this person if there is a staffer in either <br /> Congressman Vento's or Senator We11stone's Washington offices who is capable of <br /> facilitating the federal actions needed. It is difficult to tell from the file exactly where <br /> TCAAP currently is in the federal process. <br /> Second, you need someone who knows how to work within both the administrative and <br /> legislative branches of Minnesota state government <br /> We believe Spano & Janecek could function as a shepherd and advocate for the project <br /> Specifically, our firm could provide the following: <br /> 1. Develop a consensus among all stakeholders: the National Guard, the local units <br /> of government, the state units of government and citizen and environmentalist <br /> groups; <br /> 2. Educate and prepare Congressional representatives-and staff to facilitate <br /> the necessary federal actions; <br /> 3. Coordinate the work of the various state agencies and local units of government; <br /> 4. Prod the various state agencies and local units of government to complete <br /> . the necessary work; <br /> Government Relations in Minnesota <br /> ---,- -_..__.~- --- -~---~~----- <br />