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<br /> TCAAP Letter <br /> . 14 June 1994 <br /> Page two <br /> 5. Generate creative funding strategies and sources; <br /> 6. Educate and prepare the key legislators and administration officials to sponsor <br /> the appropriate legislation; and, <br /> 7. Pass the legislation. <br /> It was helpful to us in preparing a TeAAP bid to roughly outline the work that needs to be <br /> done. That outline, along with some questions that came to mind, is attached. Included in <br /> this outline are some of our initial thoughts about finding funding sources. <br /> Should you hire us, we would ask for a monthly fee of $3,170 (an annual fee of $38,040) <br /> plus expenses. Depending on the speed of the federal government, the Minnesota legislative <br /> work would likely take at least two years.. While the necessary federal actions are still <br /> pending, we can lay much of the gronndwork at the state and local levels. <br /> . We would envision that Sarah would be the point person on the project from Spano & <br /> Janecek. Certainly Wy would be integrally involved. We both pride ourselves on our <br /> ability to work on both sides of the political fence. Thus any changes in the coming election <br /> would not present any probIems. <br /> The enormity and complexity of this project make it an exciting one for us to work on. We <br /> hope you hire us. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> :!~ ~~ <br /> Enclosure <br /> . m\adm\tcaap.064 <br />