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<br />I crry OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> ME2'DRANDlJM <br /> DATE: September 27, 1994 <br /> TO: Arden Hills P1.annll1g Ccmni.ssion <br /> FRCM: Brian Fritsinger, Ccmmmity Plarming Coordinator@ <br /> SUBJECT : Case #94-25; ZclJ:iliJg Ordinance Amendment - <br /> NUmber of dogs allowed. <br /> Background <br /> Over this past surrmer the City Council has had several discussions <br /> about its AniIffiI Contrvl Ordinance. A number of revisions were <br /> approved and several others were tabled to address concelllS raised by <br /> aniIffiI groups. <br /> Proposed Change <br /> Amend Section VI, G, 7, (b) of the Zoning Ordinance which addresses <br />, the number of animals allowed. The proposed change w::JUld read as <br /> follows; "Up to four (4) domestic anirnals, excluding birds and fish, <br /> are pennitted in any dwelling unit, but without a ke.nnel pennit not <br /> rrore than t= (2) IffiY be clogs. Up to three (3) dcg;s are allowed with <br /> a keJ1np.l license. IX:g enclosures IffiY be located only in a rear yard <br /> in all zoning districts. <br /> Miscellaneous <br /> 1. This change =uld allow up to three (3) dogs in a dwelling. <br /> 2. The rraximum number of domestic aniIffils =uld reIffiin at four (4). <br /> 3. Other specifics which address the kennel license are detailed in <br /> Chapter 5 of the Arden Hills Municipal Cede. <br /> Options <br /> 1. Approve the arrendrrent as prvp:>sed by staff. <br /> 2. Deny the proposed arrendrrent. <br /> 3. Table the arrendrrent pending further information fran staff. <br /> Recotm'P.ndation <br /> Staff recomrerns approval the amendrrent to Section VI, G, 7, (b) as <br /> proposed. <br />- <br /> BF:to <br />-. <br />