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<br /> City of Axden Hi.l.b Chapter 2 Administration <br />. when the duties of an existing position are sufficiently changed so that no appropriate class <br /> exists. the Clerk-Administrator shall create a new class and shall cause an appropriate class <br /> specification to be submitted to the Council for approval. <br /> Subd. 3 Plan Review. As often as is necessary to assure continued correct classification, the <br /> position classification plan shall be reviewed by the Clerk-Administrator, and necessary <br /> adjustments shall be made subject to Council approval. <br /> Subd. 4 Filing of PIan. The position classification plan shall be filed by the Clerk- <br /> Administrator The plan so filed and subsequently adjusted shall have the same effect as <br />. though it were a part of this Chapter. <br /> 240.12 Compensation PIan. There shall be established a compensation plan for all positions <br /> subject to this Chapter. <br /> Subd. 1 Establishment. The calendar year of pay for each position shall be established on <br /> an annual basis by resolution of the Council following adoption of the annual budget. The <br /> compensation plan shall be filed with the Clerk-Administrator and shall have the same effect <br /> as though it were a part of this Chapter. Such resolutions shall state the starting salary and <br /> the maximum salary for each position classification. <br />. Subd. 2 Salary Range. Any sa1ary range established for a class shall represent the total direct <br /> 2 - 51 <br />