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<br /> (a) Any dog or other aBimal ~ that has bitten a person and <br /> . caused an abrasion or puncture of the skin shall <br /> immediately be quarantined for a minimum of ten(lO) days. <br /> Such an animal shall be confined at a' floClpital <br /> or a.t the. O~..~Rt:r' s h:JffiC ifi .JtlCfl a manner that. it aac.o nat <br /> c:Jcap<: -:;r come; in ;::':)FJ.ta<:t ..ita ether peeple ar ani:fla13. <br /> by the owner or other res];lonsible nerson as recruired by <br /> the local animal control agencv. When the dog or animal <br /> is quarantined as stated above, it shall be at the <br /> owner's expense. A quarantine report must be completed <br /> by the local animal control agency. Stray animals that <br /> have bitten a person shall be quarantined through the <br /> local animal control agency. Dogs that are involved in <br /> two (2) or more bites are subject to section 5.5-7. <br /> (b) No law enforcement officer or other person shall kill, or <br /> cause to be killed, any animal suspected of being rabid, <br /> except after the animal has been placed in quarantine and <br /> the diagnosis of rabies made. (Ord. No. 295, 3-28-94) <br /> ARTICLE 2. KENNELS <br /> . SEC 5.5-20. LICENSE REOUIRED. <br /> (a) No ];lerson shall o];lerate a commercial doa kennel with <br /> more than three (3) dogs over three (3 ) months of <br /> acre anvwhere in the City without first obtainina a <br /> Soecial Use Permit <br /> (b) No nerson shall keep wi thin a dwell ing uni t more <br /> than 2 dogs without obtainina a residential doa <br /> kennel license under this division for the keenina <br /> of such dogs. <br /> (1) Any residential licensee mav not board or <br /> train dogs belonaing to other oersons on such <br /> licensed nremises <br /> (2) Residential doa kennel licenses will not be <br /> issued under this division in any yart of the <br /> City exceyt on prooerty zoned residential R-l <br /> . or residential R-2. <br />