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<br /> --.-- <br /> SEC. 5.5-21 APPLICATION: INVESTIGATION: GRANT OR DENIAL . <br /> OF RESIDENTIAl, DOG KENNEL LICENSE. <br /> (a) Appl i ca ti on . Any person desiring a residential dog <br /> kennel license shall make written application therefore <br /> to the City Administrator upon a form prescribed by and <br /> containing such information as reauired bv the City <br /> Administrator. Amona other things. the annlication shall <br /> contain the following information: <br /> (1) A descrintion of the real estate propertv unnn <br /> which the doas will be kept. Outside kennels must <br /> be constructed of suitable size to maintain and <br /> secure the keeping of particular breeds of dogs and <br /> to allow for sufficient space for doas to exercise <br /> rrep-Iv. All surfaces must be constructed of <br /> material to provide for pro];)er cleanina, drainaae. <br /> maintenance and needs of the dogs. <br /> (2 ) A current rabies certificate and list of doa taas <br /> for each dog in the dwelling unit and\or kennel. <br /> (3 ) The species and number of doas over the age of <br /> three (]) months to be maintained on the premises. . <br /> (4) A statement that the applicant\license will at all <br /> times keen the animals in accordance with all the <br /> conditions nrescri];)ed by the local animal control <br /> agency, or modification thereof, and that fa i lure <br /> to maintain and\or obev such conditions will <br /> constitute a violation of the 9rovision of this <br /> cha9ter and grounds for cancellation of the <br /> license. <br /> (5) Such other and Further information aR may be <br /> required bv the local animal control agency. <br /> (b) Investiaation by the local animal control officer: may <br /> grant license. The local animal control officer shall <br /> make such investiaation as is necessary and mav arant, <br /> deny or refuse to renew any ap91ication for license under <br /> this chapter and may impose conditions to the grantina of . <br /> the license. <br />