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<br /> SEC. 5.5-31- CATS: NOTICE. Upon written complaint of a . <br /> person stating the acts committed by a cat, the name and address of <br /> the person owning or harboring the cat, and the name and the <br /> address of the person making the complaint, the ci ty will notify <br /> the person owning or harboring the cat of the acts complained of to <br /> restrain the cat from committing any more such acts. <br /> SEC. 5.5-32. CATS ABATEMENT. If a cat constitutes a nuisance <br /> under section 5.5-30, and no owner or responsible party is <br /> ascertainable, the City may take whatever action is deemed <br /> appropriate to abate the nuisance. (Ord. No. 295, 3-28-94) <br /> ARTICLE 4. EXOTIC lil1.Q ANIMALS <br /> SECTION 5.5-40. PURPOSE. <br /> To protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of <br /> Arden Hills, it shall be unlawful to keep any wild or exotic <br /> animal within the corporate limits of the City of Arden Hills, <br /> except as permitted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. <br /> SEC. 5.5-4I. EXCEPTIONS - PERMIT REQUIRED. . <br /> (1) Any person desiring to keep an ~ animal prohibited by this <br /> ordinance may apply for a temporary Special Use Permit from <br /> the City Council. Such permit may be issued for a period not <br /> to exceed thirty (30) days and shall specify conditions under <br /> which such animals shall be kept. Provided, however, that no <br /> such permit shall be issued unless such prohibited wild animal <br /> is brought into the City for entertainment, exhibition, or <br /> show purposes only, or by persons keeping ~ animals for a <br /> public zoo as volunteers, docents or otherwise. A public zoo <br /> or other institution engaged in a permanent display of <br /> animals, any bona fide research institution or veterinary <br /> hospital may be issued a permanent Special Use Permit provided <br /> applicable zoning requirements are met. <br /> (2 ) Non-poisonous snakes or snakes not prohibited by this <br /> ordinance, birds kept indoors, hamsters, mice, rabbits, <br /> gerbils, white rats, guinea pigs, chinchillas, or lizards, and <br /> similar small animals capable of being kept in cages <br /> continuously are also exempt and do not require a permit. <br /> . <br />