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<br /> . (c) License. Conditions. If granted the license sha 11 be <br /> issued by the City Administrator. The license shall <br /> specify the restrictions, deemed reasonably necessary to <br /> nrotect any person or neighboring use from unsanitary <br /> conditions, reasonable noise or odors or annoyance or to <br /> protect the public health and safety. Such license may <br /> be modified from time to time or revoked bv the local <br /> animal control officer for failure to conform to such <br /> restrictions. limitations or nrohibitions. Such <br /> modification or revocation shall be effective from and <br /> after ten (10) davs followina the mailina of written <br /> notice thereof bv certified mail to the nerson or gersons <br /> keenina or maintainino the license. <br /> (d) Refusal to grant or renew a license. The local animal <br /> control officer may refuse a license to keep or maintain <br /> animals hereunder for failure to comply with the <br /> 9rovisions of this cha];)ter. if the facilities for the <br /> kee9ing of the animals are or become inadeauate for their <br /> purpose, if the conditions of the license are not met, if <br /> a nuisance condition is created. or if the public health <br /> . and safety would be unreasonable endanaered by the <br /> granting of such license. Refusal to grant or renew a <br /> residential doo kennel license by the local animal <br /> control officer may be annealed to the City Council. <br /> SEC. 5.5-22. APPLICATION AND RENEWAL FEES. The initial <br /> annlication fee for a residential dog kenne 1 license under this <br /> decision shall be imnosed, set, established and fixed bv the City <br /> Council, bv resolution, from time to time. <br /> SEC. 5.5-21 DTnRATION: NON TRANSFERABILITY. Residential doa <br /> kennel licenses shall be valid for a geriod of one calen~ar vear or <br /> for the portion of the calendar vear following the date of <br /> application The license is nontransferable. <br /> ARTICLE 3. CATS <br /> SEe. 5.5-30. CATS: SPECIAL PROVISIONS. It is unlawful to <br /> own or possess any cat which destroys, damages, or defiles property <br /> or that created an offense by way of noise, of odor or otherwise, <br /> or molests other animals or human beings, after receiving notice <br /> . from the City of the prior commission of such acts by the cat in <br /> question. Such cats are declared to be a public nuisance. <br /> - <br />