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<br />- __.______u__ _ <br /> , <br /> . <br />FORWARD . <br />The Merro Easr Del'e!opmenr Parrnership is a regiollal economic developmenr <br /> ........ <br />OI:qanizarion whose missioll is ro srimulare rhe growrh and diversijicarion ofrhe <br /> ........ ........ .......... ......u.. <br />economic hose in Dakora. Ramsey. and WashillglOll coumies. The Parrnership <br /> ........ .....n... <br />works in cOlljuncrion "t'/ih O\'er 100 public (lnd primre emiries. <br />The Merro Easr Deve/opmenr Parmership (MEDP! Sreering Commitree, wirh rhe <br /> ....n .............. <br />assisrance ofDarura Ian ecollomic develof'mem collSulringjirmJ, has prepared a <br />revised srraregic economic de\'e!opmem plan for MEDP The pl<lll, <lmended <lnd <br /> .......... <br />approved by horh rhe MEDP Managemem and Execurive commirrees. will serve as <br /> ....................... <br />the hasis for cominued economic development initiarives. direcring ail program <br />andfunding activities from 1994 through 1996. Specljicallv.the strategic plan wiil <br />encourage more effective and efficiem ecollomic developmem efforts hv: <br /> ............... <br /> ......................................... <br />Directing available resources and efforts toward those activities thar have ...u.uuu. <br /> ... ..........n <br />proven most effecrive in supporting the growrh and expansion of Metro <br /> .......................... .-............... <br />East husinesses: <br />C olltinuing 10 encourage coordinared economic developmem ejforrs ............................................ <br />among all organi:arions actit'e in economic development in rhe Metro <br />East area: and <br />Suggesting organi:ational and operational improvemenrs rhar will help <br />maintain an effective public.private parrnership.tor economic develop- <br />mem, <br />The hasistor rhe straregies conrained in rhe plan was a three-monril process during <br />which members, stakeholders and clients provided input and ohsen'Gfions as to <br />past pel10rmance and jinure direction. The process included roundtable discus- <br />sions, mail surveys and personal interviews, <br />Those who participated in the process were asked 10 prm'ide inpuf regarding <br />norahle successes during the pasr se\'eral veal'S, as well <IS areas thar needed 10 he <br />improved upon or recei\.'e increased resources. . <br /> I <br />METRO EAST DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP THREE.YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN <br /> --------------------- <br />