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<br />INTRODUCTION . <br />.............. <br />This strategic plan provides a revised road I. Members and clients emphasized <br />map for MEDP to address the opportunities the need for leadership at tbe high- <br />and threats facing the Metro East area, est levels of the Metro East's major ..,.... <br />Numerous local economic development orga- corporarions and local governments <br />nizalions. as well as otller key groups repre~ and that tbey become more active <br />senting state and cDumy government. educa- and visible in their support of <br />tional institutions. and public utilities. play MEDP. This was said to be espe- <br />imponam roles in advancing economic devel- cially crucial for maIntaining and <br />opment effons. The success of their effortS is expanding of the east metropolitan <br />greatly dependent on leadership and support. area's image as a distinct region <br />It is MEDP's challenge to marshall this lead- with its own. well defined identity. <br />ership and support through the implementa- <br />tion of a strategic plan that outlines and 2. MEDP's initial efforts to develop a .........-.... <br />implements an aggressive three-county comprehensive Entrepreneurial <br />approach to economic development. Program are highly valued by mem- <br /> bers and clients. The delivery of ......... <br />Given the nature of economic change. the ............ <br /> services throughout Minnesota .............. <br />results and benefits from these investments <br />will often occur over longer periods of time. Project OurreachfTeltech; St. .............................,... <br />Consequently MEDP must maintain a clear. Paul/Metro East Development <br />long-range vision of its mission and goals as it Corporation (SPMEDCO). SBA <br />moves forward, It must always be remem- 504; and the pilot Consulting <br />bered that the Metro East area faces a funda- Program are seen as a key parr of <br />mental choice between a healthy, diversified MEDP's future program activities. <br /> Increased resources need to be dedi- <br />growing economy. and an economy that is cated ro this area. <br />susceptible to serious decline. This MEDP <br />strategic plan represents a proactive choice in <br />favor of continued economic strength and 3, Business-related marketing and <br />growth. communications efforts have been <br /> well received by MEDP cliems. <br />Many of the strategies detailed on the follow- However. MEDP members poimed <br />ing pages were initiated during the 1991 . to [be need to enhance and expand <br />1993 plan and have been recommended 10 be marketing and communication <br />cominued or enhanced. activities [0 increase awareness of <br /> its services and activiries among <br />Three subjects in particular were repeatedly members and area decision makers <br />singled out as areas that needed increased and business leaders. <br />emphasis during the next several years. <br /> . <br /> J <br />METRO EAST DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP THREE.YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN <br />