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<br />e 1990 - 1993 MEDP ACHIEVEMENTS <br /> ........-....... ENTREPRENEURIAL PROGRAM EFFORTS - Worked in the recruitment of Out- <br /> = Advanced entrepreneurial business of-state business prospects result- <br />.................... ...-........... growth by being one of the Twin ing in the addition of seven new <br /> Cities main public access sites ro companies and more than 500 <br /> the Minnesota Project jobs. <br /> Outreachffeltech system, Assisted = Through its active participation in <br /> over 150 companies in answering the Industrial Development <br /> technical and business questions, Research Council. MEDP has <br /> = Initiated entrepreneurial consulting marketed the business location <br /> program providing mentors and advantages and opportunities of <br /> the Metro East area to Fortune 500 <br />.--.................. ..-.-................ advice that has increased the suc- companies. In ]992 MEDP hosted <br /> cess rate of business start ups. <br />-...... ......... .. ...._-'..-............ an IORC forum in which national <br /> ........ = Improved financing opportunities corporate executives visited the <br /> ............................ for small businesses in Ramsey, Metro East area to participate in a <br /> Dakota and Washington counties seminar with over 200 community <br />......................................... by increasing awareness and and business leaders from the <br />em improving availability of the SBA Metro East area. The IDRC Forum <br /> 504 loan program. has since been recognized with a <br />........ ............................ <br /> - Through the SBA 504 and the 1993 national award of excellence <br /> from the American Economic <br /> MEDP entrepreneurial consulting Development Council (AEDCI. <br /> programs. MEDP has assisted in <br /> the retention/creation of more than <br /> 333 jobs in growth companies. MARKETING A'D COMMl"tCATtONS <br /> - MEDP has been recognized by <br /> BUSINESS RETENTIO'\. EXPANSIO' AND stale. regional and national eCQ- <br /> AITRACTIO' ACTIVITIES nomic development organizations <br /> - Provided valuable research support for its markering maleriais. receiv- <br /> to more than 300 businesses and ing over a dozen awards over the <br /> responded to more than 900 past four years. Notable awards <br /> requests far Metro East area eco- include two 1992 and 1993 Best of <br /> Class Awards from the American <br /> nomic development data. MEDP's Economic Development Council. <br /> research and data capabilities are and the Mid America Economic <br /> the foundation of its success. Develapmem Council President's <br /> ,- Assisted over 125 local companies A ward. <br /> with expansion and relocation <br />e needs. thereby helping to retain <br /> over 2.000 jobs, <br />4 <br /> METRO EAST DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP THREE.YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN <br /> - <br />