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<br />1994 - 1996 ENTREPRENEURIAL PROGRAM . <br /> .............................. . <br />PURPOSE . ........ <br /> TARGET <br />= Assist small or start-up companies :=; Small (from start-up to 100 employ- <br /> that show potential for growth. ees) businesses. focusing on manu- <br />- Suppon Metro East economy by facturing. high technology. and <br />- selected service companies in Metro <br /> promoting small business expansion. East area. <br />= Tie MEDP and Metro East business- = Minority business enterprises. <br /> es into Twin Cities entrepreneurial <br /> network, = Economically disadvanmged busi- <br />- Partner with others to increase ness enterprises. <br />- <br /> employment and sales of enrrepre- ............. <br /> neurial companies, STRATEGIES <br /> = Work with communities (suburban <br />OBJECTIVES and mmority) to market Minnesom <br /> Project Outreach! Teltech (MPO) to <br />- Provide network for Metro East local users while enhancing position <br />- .......................................... <br /> smalVnew businesses to receive as one of the top Twin Cities MPO n ......n.. n.nn ...n. <br /> assistance. sites. <br /> .. ..... ......u... <br />= Enhance access to SBA 504 financ- = Partner with other organizations <br /> ing for Metro East businesses. including those that promote enrre- <br />= Complete the formalizing of preneurial growth and technology <br /> Entrepreneurial Consulting innovations. <br /> Program. = Offer access to in-house resources as <br />- Increase profile and economic via- well as those available through part- <br /> bility of MEDP/Metro East area by nerships with other organizations <br /> formulating beneficial entrepreneur- = Work with other organizations to <br /> ial programs and marketing them host peninent seminars and provide <br /> through Twin Cities network and networking opponunitles for Metro <br /> business community contacts. East small businesses. <br />- Increase job creation in Metro East = Become active members in local <br />- <br /> area. entrepreneurial organizations. <br /> = Fonn networking group similar to <br /> Twin Cities Research Group. <br /> ...... <br /> S <br />METRO EAST DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP THREE.YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN <br />