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<br /> ----- ----- <br /> ANNUAL BUDGET . <br /> ....................................................................... ............................. <br /> LABOR PROGRAM <br /> EXPENSE EXPENSE TOTAL <br /> Administration $62.795 $62.795 <br /> Operations $115.000 5115.000 <br /> Entrepreneurial 562.205 530.000 592.205 <br /> Retention 571.000 $25.000 $96.000 <br /> ........................................... <br /> Marketing/Communications 542.000 $90.000 $132.000 <br /> .....................-..................... <br /> Research 542.000 $15.000 $57.000 ...... . .............. <br /> ..................................... <br /> 1994 TOTAL $ 555.000 .....................-.. ............ <br /> uuuuuuuuu. <br /> .......................... ................ <br /> ........,. ...._....... ..._......_. ........ _... ...... ... ..h...... ............. ............. ....... ....._.... .................. .. ............... ......................... ......................... <br /> KEY OBSERVATIONS ............-.............. <br /> ]. This budget adds an 3. This budget would enable the ....,.. ..-..........-................... <br /> Entrepreneurial Specialist and Pannership to do regional adver- <br /> directs additional resources to tising and re-introduce the regular <br /> marketing/communications and newsletter. ............... <br /> entrepreneurial programming. <br /> 4. Staffing would include: <br /> ....................................... <br /> 2. Entrepreneurial effons would be Executive Director <br /> coordinated through one individ- ................................. <br /> uat. Program effons would focus Research Specialist <br /> on growing the Entrepreneurial Retention Specialist <br /> Consulting program to include 20 <br /> projects per year. as well as Suppon Staff <br /> enhancing the program delivery Entrepreneurial Specialist (new) <br /> for MPOrreltech. and SBA 504. ..u. <br /> I] <br /> .....................................,...,.."..................,...................h..n............ ..........................................................................,..........".,......................... ........h...................h........... ........0 <br /> METRO EAST OEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP THREE.YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN <br />