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<br /> I <br /> I <br /> will format this information and send a copy of the appropriate set of data to each -I <br /> taxpayer in the county; along with a notification concerning the budget hearings to be <br /> held by the county, the appropriate school district, and the appropriate city if the property <br /> is located within a city, The budget information will be shown on a per household basis, . . <br /> or on a per pupil unit basis in the case of school districts, The commissioner ofrevenue <br /> is to prescribe the form of the budget and budget,hearing notices; the state auditor will <br /> assist in providing expenditure data broken down by service categories for counties and I <br /> cities; and the commissioner of education will assist in providing school district <br /> expenditure data by category, Amends Minn, Stat, 1994, chapter 275, by adding the new I <br /> S 275,0641 effective for levy year 1996, <br /> Section 9. Contents of property tax statements. Clarifies that for taxes payable in . <br /> 1997 and thereafter, the intergovernmental aids which are reported on line 3 of the <br /> statement do not include that portion of the new homestead block grants which is <br /> attributable to homestead and agricultural credit aid, Otherwise, the current law I <br /> homestead and agricultural credit aid program will be reflected in both the line 3 aid <br /> amount and the line 4 "homestead and agricultural credit" amount. Amends Minn, Stat, <br /> 1994, S 276,04, subd, 2 effective the day following final enactment. I <br /> Section 10. Pay equity aid penalties. Clarifies the pay equity penalty statute so that, for <br /> non-schools, the aid penalty, if any, can be deducted from the amount allocated to a local _. <br /> unit out of the county's homestead block grant, Under current law, an aid penalty can be <br /> deducted from the HACA, DRA, or LGA paid to a non-school local unit. Under this <br /> article, those programs are eliminated for non-schools beginning with aid payable in . <br /> 1997, and replaced by county-level homestead block grants which in turn are allocated by <br /> the county-level aid distribution councils to the various eligible local units, Amends I <br /> Minn, Stat. 1994, S 471.9981, subd. 6 effective the day following final enactment, <br /> Section 11. County local government aid distributions. Continues the statutory I <br /> authority for distributions of local government aid to county governments only through <br /> calendar year 1996, Amends Minn, Stat. 1994, S 477A,012, subd, 1 effective the day <br /> following final enactment. . <br /> Section 12., Town local government aid distributions. Eliminates the statutory <br /> authority for town government local gover'nment aid distributions after calendar year . <br /> 1996. Allows the inflation adjustment for each town for payable 1996 aid to the extent <br /> that the appropriation in section 22 of the article is not exceeded, Amends MiIUl, Stat. <br /> 1994, S 477A.013, subd. 1 effective the day following [mal enactment. . <br /> Section 13. City local government aid distributions. Continues the statutory authority <br /> for distributions oflocal government aid to city governments only through calendar year I <br /> 1996, Aniends MiIUl. Stat, 1994, S 477A.013, subd 9 effective the day following final <br /> enactment. -. <br /> . <br /> --~ <br />