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<br /> I' <br /> I <br /> Ie Section 14. County-level homestead block grants. Establishes, and provides the <br /> I mechanisms for the new homestead block grant system, In subd, I, the commissioner of <br /> revenue is given the responsibility of notifying each county of the specific dollar amount <br /> of its grant for each aid payable year, Each year a county "ill receive the same <br /> I proportion of the total homestead block grant appropriation provided in section 22 of the <br /> article, as the non-school taxing authorities in the county received in 1996 of the <br /> statewide non-school distributions of: (i) homestead and agricultural credit aid, including <br /> I manufactured home homestead and agricultural credit aid; (ii) disparity reduction aid; : <br /> (iii) local government aid; and, (iv) attached machinery aid, Allocations to cities and <br /> special taxing districts located in more than one county will be by home county, The first <br /> I ", such notification must occur by October 15, 1995 for aid payable in 1997, <br /> Subd, 2 outlines the nature, role, and membership requirements for each county's aid <br /> I distribution council. The council can be of any size, but must have the same number of: <br /> (i) county commissioners (who must represent township and special taxing district <br /> I interests); (ii) city mayors or council members; and, (iii) school district board members. <br /> Appoinunent authority, including the authority to forego membership, is given to all <br /> county commissioners, city mayors and council members, and all school district board <br /> Ie members, respectively, in the county, The council's annual term runs from September 30 <br /> each year, beginning in 1995, to the following July 31. By July 15 of each year, <br /> beginning in 1996, the council must decide on an allocation of funds for aid payable in <br /> I the next year. The council may allocate funds to any taxing authority which is located in <br /> the county in order to provide property tax relief for taxpayers or to encourage <br /> intergovernmental cooperation in the delivery of services.. If the council fails to decide. <br /> I the applicable distribution will be in proportion to the last prior annual distribution within <br /> the county of the same - or the equivalent - aid programs, <br /> I Payments to, and within, the county are provided in subd, 3, Beginning with aid payable <br /> in 1997, the commissioner of revenue will pay the allocated amount of the homestead <br /> block appropriation for that year to each county on the dates provided in current law for <br /> I the payment of local government aid (i.e., one-half is paid on July 20 and one-half on <br /> December 26), Within five days the county treasurer must distribute each payment to the <br /> I recipient local units within the county, Special taxing districts located within more than <br /> one county, and which continue to levy a property tax, are 'grandfathered' in at their <br /> payable 1996 amounts, <br /> I Subd, 4 requires each aid distribution council to certify the amount allocated to each <br /> eligible taxing authority by July 15 of the year preceding the aid payment year (i.e., <br /> I beginning in 1996 for amounts payable in 1997), The council must certify these amounts <br /> to each taxing authority in the county and to the commissioner of revenue, and include a <br /> description of the objective or subjective factors it utilized in making the allocation <br /> I- decisions, <br /> Amends Minn, Stat, 1994, chapter 477A, by adding the new ~ 477A,0131, subds, 1-4 <br /> I effective the day following fll1al enacunent. <br />