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CCP 04-17-1995
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CCP 04-17-1995
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<br /> ~P"-13-~~ FRI 07~4:5 .:=11M OB.C 636 3331 P.EJ4 <br /> I <br /> .' <br /> I. <br /> I CONTRACT FOR ARDEN HILLS- <br /> I The following items are a response to long-sunding problems in our City. ~ey are remedies and <br /> guidelines that will assure that Arden Hills wiU remain a desirable City in which to hve.. work and play. :m <br /> I signatories below "glce that they will take all ncCesiar)' steps to ensurc that these provISIOns are enactecllnto <br /> City ordinance in the most expeditious and practical methods. <br /> I RJ.:SOL VI!:D; <br /> r:: The 7.oning laws of Arden Hills arc currently ill8fl.eqllate in that they do not have a category for open <br /> space and Rl provisions are to liberal - allowing any entity to develop projects despile the City's long.term <br /> I inlcrests and goals. Tberefore we will work to change the zoning laws of Arden Hills to reflect a cakgory RO <br /> for Open Space. As a pan of the MellO Council mandated planning process the Council wiJ] direct s~alTto . <br /> identify all areas currendy open space and assign them the RO designation if they arc currently held m pubhc <br /> I ownership. Other propertics that are open space should be considered by a separate open space committee for <br /> inclusioll in RO based upon there locatioll and value as an arnellity to the City. Also, all Planned Unit . <br /> Developments will be dissalloW\!d under Rl and a new de$ignalion of RI b applied to areas where PUO's will <br /> I be deemed advisable. A public hearing shall be hcld 10 ratify these plans at tlte time of there completion afttr <br /> review by staff. Planning Commission III1d the City Council. <br /> Ie e lite City of Alden Hills Planning commiuion will take immediate steps to develop ill cooperlltion with <br /> olher city commissions a plan to place walking and biling uails in such a way as to connect the systems of <br /> Mden Hills and neighboring communities. Special priority will go lOwards connecting the Alden Hills <br /> I neighborhoods Ihat are eut offby main naffie corridors. such as Hwy 10, Snelling Ave. and Hwy 96. <br /> r No new invC3tmenrs or projccts of over 200,000 will be allowed without citizen PIlblic hearing (s). <br /> I Proposed projecls will be slgIlt!.d and marked ar the sile at the same time the proposal is presented 10 the <br /> Planning Commis~ion. Failure to eomply will be alltomatie ifounds for denying the application. Public notice <br /> will be given in advanc~ to the official Ciry Newspaper and press releases sent to all local media outlets. A <br /> I m.ailing lisr will be maintained of interested City residents who can specify what notifications they arc <br /> illleresled ill recieving.. ~. <br /> I - Planning Commissioners will become an elective post This will be phased in over several election <br /> cyclC$. <br /> I C SlX'Ci31 cngineering standards win be applied to all developmcnt near or upon Open Space, Lakes, or <br /> Wellands. lhcse slandards may be more rcslrictive than the Rice Creck Walersheds plans. Examples may be <br /> 3 requirement for a 200 year evenr in stonnwarcr mootf plans instead of the less remicl;ve 100 yeat event <br /> I and special controls on the use of fertilizers, pesticides Md herbicides near any sensitive area. <br /> To offer your suggestions. gather more information or to become more involved in <br /> I doveloprng a responsive City government please contact us at the number below' <br /> Citizens tor A Bett A . <br /> I- . er rden HIlls - 4360 H"m/ino _ A H MN5511.2 <br /> vOlcelfax-631-8238 (Between the hours of 7:30~8;30 Mon _- Fri.) <br /> I <br />
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