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<br /> - <br /> SETTLI NG Village Engineer Christoffersen met with the Public Safety/Works .- <br /> PROBLEMS Comm ittee to rev iew the construct ion prob lems that have occurred <br /> REV I EWED in the Karth Lake, Chatham, and Roya I Hi lis areas, resu It ing in - <br /> uneven settl ing of the soil. Karth Lake has been part icu lar Iy <br /> hard hit with settling and break ing up of curbs. <br /> UNUSUALLY Chr istoffersen consulted with soi I eng ineers from Tw in City Test ing I <br /> WET COND- and the Un iversity who allr ibuted the prob lem in Karth Lake <br /> TIONS ARE to unusua II y wet condit ions during the fall of 1977 and the spr i ng <br /> ONE CAUSE of 1978. Another key factory is the character ist ics of the clay soil - <br /> in this area. <br /> SOIL RE- To el iminate all sell ling in an area, the soil must be replaced . <br /> PLACEMENT with sand to a depth of two fee t. This is obv ious Iy impract ica I <br /> IMP RACT I CAL from an econom ic po i nt of view. <br /> EDGEWA TER The Edgewater Estates deve lopment on Old Highway 10 will be used j - <br /> EST A TES TO as a test area to try out eight d i fferen t methods of compact ion <br /> BE TEST and soil rep lacement to determ ine wh ich method resu Its in the <br /> AREA least amount of settling. . <br /> BRIDGE RE- By vote of 4-1, Counc i I reversed earl ier decision and will <br /> a an <br /> CONSTRUCTION pay its share (about $12,000) of the $1.26 million br i dge recon- <br /> DECISION struct ion project proposed for Lexington Avenue over 1-694. Gary . <br /> REVERSED Zak, MnDot Planning Project Manager, pointed out at the March 10 <br /> Counc i I Meet ing that rep lac ing the bridge is a "cost effect ivel1 .. <br /> measure. He noted that the State will get 20 feet more lateral <br /> clearance under the bridge and will have a 60-year st rue! ure.. <br /> Widening the bridge would result in a structure wh ich would only <br /> last 30 years. And a safety plus, of course, is that the des ign Willi <br /> provide for a pedestr ian/b ikeway over the bridge. <br /> CHARITABLE Counc i I approved one-year Class B Charitable Gamb ling Licenses <br /> GAMBLING (pull-tab) for the Nat iona I Multiple Sclerosis Society, MN North I <br /> LI CENSES Star Chapter (at the Big Ten Supper Club) and for the Original <br /> APPROVED Boosters (at the Blue Fox Inn) . <br /> PUBLIC West inghouse has dec i ded to se JI Group W Cable to a five-member I <br /> ACCESS TV consort ium. It has been rumored that there will be a second <br /> COULD BE transfer made to a limited partnership. Th is cou Id have far- <br /> ENDANGERED reach ing effects on pub lie access television as one of the poss ib Ie I <br /> I im ited partnersh ip owners does not support local programm ing. <br /> CITIES HAVE By the time you read this Crier, the North Suburban Cable commission. <br /> 60 DAYS TO will have held a public hearing April 3 on the pending sale. The <br /> APPROVE SALE ten cities invo Ived have 60 days to approve the purchase. <br /> SALARY The Finance Committee has recommended, and Council has approved - <br /> INCREASES 4-1, an increase in a counc i I member I 5 salary to $2,300 per year <br /> APPROVED an d an increase in the Mayor's sa lary to $2,900 per year, effect I ve <br /> January 1, 1987. Cou nc II sa lar ies were last increased in 1973. I <br /> EDITOR'S This is money well spent. I doubt that many of us realize just . <br /> NOTE: much time, effort, and dedicat ion our elected offic ia Is put into I <br /> these offices. <br /> I <br />